"So, do you have any special requests?" I asked whilst picking up a bite-sized waffle coated in the rich berry fruit coulis.

"Hmm. How about we start with the guest list? I have a couple of requests for that!" Mike offered helpfully, picking up a chocolate covered strawberry for himself.

"Okay, shoot." I prompted.

"My parents, your brother, my sisters, their children and spouses, Montgomery and your grandparents." He proposed rather confidently.

Almost choking on my waffle I glared at Mike like he was an idiot. "Montgomery? Are you seriously kidding me?!" I spat with rage present in my tone. "That's like inviting Jack!!" I finished with a roll of the eyes.

"Evelyn, he's not what you think. Honestly, he helped me with this!" He reasoned in a calm tone gesturing to the whole apartment. My mouth felt like it had dropped to the floor, Montgomery helped with this? The cocky ass who was completely selfish and rude as anything.

"Exactly." He replied proudly.

I sighed dramatically and began write down the guest list name by name until I had each name written neatly into the journal.

"What next?" He asked, perking up slightly.

"How about the venue, colour theme and little pieces like that?" I suggested.

Mike nodded his head as we continued to discuss together what we were going to add to our wedding plans trying to join together each of our ideas to make it perfect.

After hours upon hours of bickering, laughter, discussing and snacking on the all day gourmet breakfast Mike had prepared we finally figured out every detail of our wedding down to a T.

Wedding Date - 2nd of April

Venue - A Tudor-style Stately Home with acres of land for guests to make use of.

Colour Scheme - Cranberry and white.

Types Of Flowers - Roses.

Maid Of Honour - Isla (Mike's youngest sister).

Best Man - Montgomery.

Ring Bearer - Luke (Mike's oldest sister, Louise's, son)

Flower Girl - Rosalie (Evelyn's brother, Jonathan's, daughter)

I sighed as I relaxed back into the beanbag I was sitting in, snuggling my self into Mike's chest.

"All we have to do now is the rings and our outfits." Mike said in an accomplished manner.

"I suppose so, we've been very successful today! But Mike, what about the honey moon?" I asked in a questioning tone.

"Just you let me take care of that." He responded calmly.

Mike's Point Of View...

We had finally decided everything for our wedding fairly early, I know, but I wanted to marry Evelyn soon. Not just because I loved her with all her heart, because I wanted to vow to protect her from Jack. As long as that man was out of our way and Evelyn was safe, I was happy.

Since we had finished planning our wedding except for a few details - such as the rings, our outfits, the bridesmaids' and groomsmen' outfits and not to mention the honeymoon location - everything was on track and the wedding was sure to go to plan if everything ran as smoothly as we planned!

April was only a short time away, so I needed to get my thinking cap on and think of a sensational, memorable place to take Evelyn on our honeymoon.

Somewhere unforgettable.

Evelyn's Point Of View...

As the day faded into the evening, Mike and I spent our time wrapped up in eachother's arms still on the beanbags. Simply enjoying eachother's company.

I turned my head to look at the cream-coloured clock above the mantelpiece on the mushroom-coloured wall and registered the time at just after seven o'clock. Sighing internally that I would have to leave Mike's gentle grasp, I turned to him and nodded towards the clock.

"It's just after seven, what do you want to do for dinner?" I asked casually, holding back a yawn from the tiredness that seemed to be crawling all over my worn out body.

After a few moments of silence, Mike opened his mouth and replied. "Umm, how about some stew? You can slow cook it for a couple of hours whilst we clean up and get ready for bed then when it is done, we can eat and go straight to bed?" He offered.

"Sounds great," I accepted his offer, perking up with excitement and scrambled off into the kitchen putting the meat, stock and vegetables into the slow cooker and setting the time. "Come on then. lets tidy up! You do the upstairs and I'll do down here!" I shouted to Mike from the kitchen, before turning the taps on and running blisteringly hot water into the stainless steel sink.

A Few Hours Later...

I stood in the archway that opened into our lounge leaning against the woodwork and admired the work I had put into cleaning. The whole downstairs looked like it was gleaming and aside from the aching back and red-raw hands I was delighted with the outcome! I had slaved around the downstairs area - yes, I know we live in a flat but that does not stop it from having an upstairs - scrubbing at the floor and walls until it looked spotless. Although Mike and I had not inhabited this place for long, it definitely needed tidying up.

With that, I turned around to faced the stairs before making my way up them to see Mike's progress. And what could I say? It was spotless, each bedroom had been hoovered, the bathroom had been scrubbed from the walls to the floors and even the appliances were glowing in the dim light. It smelled delightfully fresh, with the odour of cleaning products hanging loosely in the air.

"Mike you've done great!" I exclaimed, running my finger across the bathroom making a slight dirt mark from my finger prints, whoops! Then walking into the master bedroom, I saw Mike still slaving away; making our bed!

"You are the best!" I complimented him, whilst giving him a light, tender kiss on the cheek before grabbing my pyjamas and making my way into the bathroom to freshen up before bed.

Mike's Point Of View...

After applying the finishing touches to my complete tidy up of our upstairs, I headed downstairs into the kitchen to check on the stew that was brewing in our Morphy Richards slow cooker. I entered the kitchen and it hit me; the smell of winter in a pot, the delicious brew of meat, vegetables and a rich meaty gravy excited my stomach, warming every single part of my body at the same time.

Since I figured the food was done, I pulled out some square plates from our crockery cupboard and started to plate up the hearty feast, giving myself extra dumplings.

"Evelyn, dinner is ready!" I called from downstairs, hearing some shuffling going on from the master bedroom as I brought the plates into the dining room and carefully placed them down on the dining room table.

As I waited for Evelyn, I figured that now would be the best time for me to run upstairs and get ready for bed myself.

After Dinner...

Evelyn and I completely cleared our plates and as she headed upstairs to brush her teeth and get into bed, I went into the kitchen to wash up the plates and cutlery. Our dinner was absolutely delightful and the meat was ever so tender; I could have eaten it five times over!

Once the plates were dried and put away, I turned all the downstairs lights off and double checked that our apartment door was locked before making my way upstairs to join my fiancée in the paradise I like to call dreamland.

"Are you still awake?" I whispered upon entering our bedroom, turning the main light off and shutting the door behind me. To which I had no reply.

With that I crawled into my side of the bed, pulling Evelyn into my strong, over-protective arms and whispering lightly into her ear "I love you." before I settled down into a blissful sleep.

I Can't Help Falling For You♡Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя