We Need A House♡

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The Next Day...

"Mikey, we need a new house!" I whined childishly.

"We've only been in the car two days Evelyn." He responded, clearly irritated.

"But it's not practical at all and my back is killing me, it hurts so bad baby." I sniffled.

"Well, I promise we will go looking some time soon. But it will not be a luxurious house, just something cheap that puts a roof under our head and safe for the time being." He answered, trying to bargain with me.

Instead of asking for more I just nodded in agreement; it would be easier that way.

"Just one more night Evelyn, okay?" He queried.

"Yes I suppose." I sighed, giving in at the fact I was trying to get what I wanted straight away, but that would never happen; this was Mike that I was dealing with.

The sun drifted off into the western side of the sky and started slipping in to the midnight blue blanket that began to form. Often, I loved to look and admire the sunset but tonight was different.

Instead of filling the sky with a range of reds, peaches, pinks, oranges and yellows the sun seemed to be kidnapped by the inky universe that roamed above our heads.

"Mike, did you see that?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"What?" He replied quickly.

"The sun didn't set tonight!" I practically screamed.

"It doesn't mean anything, don't be so silly love," He laughed matter-of-factly.

"Why don't you go and get some rest? You're obviously talking nonsense." He spoke once again.

"I-I okay.." I sighed, completely defeated with no chance of getting my point across, let alone getting Mike to believe my statement.

Simply, I crawled back into the boot for a nap; if you could even call it that. The carpetted floor of the car boot was rock hard and grazed your skin with the sharp fibres that poked out from the base. Instead of napping I decided to rummage through the plastic bag in search for some decent food or something to quench the thirst that was crawling through my throat and slashing it violently with dryness.

My eyes scanned through the contents of the flimsy plastic package, the flask that Mike and I had drank from previously was empty and the only liquid left was a bottle of vodka. Great.

"Mike, did it never occur to you that vodka might not be the best product to drink?" I queried.

"I'm sorry love, I just packed whatever I saw, surely it can't be that bad." He answered honestly.

Ugh, I mentally groaned whilst popping open the lid and taking a mouthful. The tasteless fluid swam down my gullet lighting sparks within and burning its way through powerfully. After the few moments of scorching pain I underwent, I eagerly gulped back the fluid that remained in my mouth and looked for something to eat to remain the after taste.

"Evelyn, can you get me something to eat please? Its getting late and I'm hungry!" Mike whinged childishly. A sigh left my lips before I - once again - rummaged through the tatty paper bag in search for something to fill the hole that was expanding within my partner's stomach.

No surprise I found absolutely crazy foods thrown in to the bag carelessly. I mentally slapped Mike around the face multiple times for his infantile choice of food-stuffs. After minutes of debating with myself on what to serve up for 'dinner' - if you could even call it that - I passed him three pickled onions, two crackers and a snack size piece of cheese on a paper plate.

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