Someone is following me?

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Author's note
For readers who know me, you may know that the names that I am using for this book are the people whom I know. And please do not go around spreading some horrible and nonsensical rumors about me. 
Like... "Oh you know (my name, but I am not gonna reveal it)😏 posted in her wattpad story something about Jun Wen. Omg! I thought the rumor that she liked him was fake. But I can't believe she even dare to do it until this point that she use his name in her story. She is such a bitch."
Believe me or not, this is what some of the people in my school will say behind my back or even in front of my face.
Don't let me be in that awkward situation my seniors made me be in this year. Thanks. A lottt.
🐱Kitty for YOU🐈
🐶Doggy for YOU🐕
Okok. Bye bye continue reading.

Jun Kai's P.O.V.

She rushed off immediately after I finished my sentence...

Da Xi looked at me with that "who the heck was that?" face.

"Long story. I'll explain later."

He nodded and we walked briskly into the bakery...

Yun Xin's P.O.V.

After I bid goodbye to... oh who was that again? Oh yeah! Jun Kai. Lol. I
rushed towards the usual place where I parked my bicycle before and after every schooling day.

There were a few other bicycles parked beside mine...One was a red one, the other was a yellow one and the last bicycle, which was parked closest to mine was a white one.

My bicycle was blue, my favourite colour and my family believe that it symbolises good luck to the person that owns anything of its colour.

I recognised one of the bicycles...

The one in white...

It was my best friend, Chloe. It was her bike.

I haven't seen her since last term...

I really miss her.

I also really missed Jun Wen...

Jun Kai's P.O.V.

I opened the door swiftly and saw the old lady I saw yesterday at the counter.

I greeted politely.

Jun Kai's P.O.V.

"Bonjour mademoiselle!" Oh! It's the man I met yesterday. What's his name again?.... A yes! Jun Kai!

"Hello my dear! Your name is Jun Kai right?"

This time he came to the bakery with another man. Should be his assistant or friend.

"Bon jojojo r Madame!" His friend said nervously.

"Now now. It's bonjour." I said with a smile.

Jun Kai's P.O.V.

Da Xi was surely having a hard time learning how to say bonjour. Luckily Yun Xin's Grandmother was kind enough to patiently teach Da Xi French.

"You guys aren't French right?" Yun Xin's Grandmother asked.

"Yes yes. We are Chinese and we only came here to film a show called Chinese Restaurant 2."Da Xi replied.

Ignoring Da Xi, she continued.
"What brings you here today? Here to buy some of my raisin buns or some of my delicious chocolate chip buns?"

"Uh we'll take both of them." Da Xi and I replied in unison. 2 years of our friendship has definitely not gone to waste.

She wrapped up the buns in a flash and we quickly bid good bye to her as we rushed back into the van.

Yun Xin's P.O.V.

Oh if you guys are wandering who is this Jun Wen guy, he's actually my childhood best friend. We went to the same kindergarten, primary school and now, secondary school.

But he went to China last summer...

👇Some information about Jun Wen👇

Full Name: Tan Jun Wen Brandon

Height: 170cm

Favourite colour: Grey

Favourite food: Cheese.
Seriously just cheese. This guy eats lots and lots of cheese.

Favourite drink: Coca-Cola

Hobbies: Basketball, study and sleep.


I quickly unlocked my bicycle and zoomed off to school.

(After about 2 minutes...)

I cycled passed the flower shop, which was only a few blocks away from school, when I felt like there was this person/thing following me...

I had already suspected this after cycling for about 1 minute or so... but I thought it was just some illusion because of the morning fog. I was wrong...

My palms were sweating and stomach was in pain. Ouch! Period Cramps...

I quickened my pace.

"Hey! Yun Xin! YUN XIN! YUUUUN XIIIIIN!" The person or thing that was following me called out.

Shit, I thought.

"Stop!" The voice said again.

I don't know why but I decided to stop to see who it was...

"Hey! Yun Xin! It's me, Jun Wen."

Jun Wen? JUN WEN? I thought. It can't be...but he's still in China? Right?

Out of the "mist", there he was... It really was Jun Wen.

Jun Wen's P.O.V.

Wow. It's been a year since I last saw her... She becoming more and more beautiful. She indeed is my best friend, Yun Xin.


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