Wanda|| home

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Your eyes fluttered open and you waited for them to adjust to sunlight filled room. Wanda lay by your side, sleeping peacefully. You watched her chest rise and fall with her breathing.

This was something you did often. It wasn't in a sexual or perverted way. You only did it to remind yourself that she was there. You had lost all your family and had no friends before finding the avengers. You couldn't bare to lose Wanda.

Wanda's words snapped you out of your thoughts. "Good morning darling" she smiled and kissed your nose softly. Wanda laughed when your nose crinkled after she pulled away. A smile made its way to your lips, "Good morning" you said and wrapped your arms around your girlfriend, pulling her closer to you.

Wanda put her head on your chest and closed her eyes. "Why can't we just stay like this? Why do you have to leave?" You questioned, looking down at Wanda. "You know I don't have a choice. It's a mission, y/n. As much as I'd like to, I can't stay" You huffed in response. You knew she had to go and nothing you could do would stop her from going.


Lunchtime rolled around and you sat on your bed glumly, watching Wanda pack her bags. "Ok, I'm finished!" Wanda declared. You smiled softly at her. "Time to go!" Steve yelled as he walked down your hallway. You stood and grabbed Wanda's hand as you walked out of your bedroom and to the quinjet.

Once you got there, Wanda turned around and kissed your lips before pulling you into a hug. You hugged her back tightly and kissed her cheek. As you pulled away, you and Wanda watched Bucky and Steve saying goodbye to each other. Bucky kissed Steve's lips and when they pulled away, Steve's face was a deep red. "Awwww Stevie, red brings out your eyes" you teased. Steve rolled his eyes playfully as Bucky laughed.

"I'll come back as soon as I can. It's only meant to be a four day mission. I should be back on Tuesday" Wanda said as she shook your hand a little. You nodded and kissed her once more. "Be safe. I love you" you said as Wanda started walking backwards so she was still facing you. "I love you too" she said before turning around and running onto the jet, the door closing after her.

You and Bucky stood back as the quitjet took off, quickly disappearing into the sky. A tear slid down your cheek as you walked back inside. Bucky noticed and put a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, they'll come back. They always do" Bucky said solemnly. You smiled and nodded. As you glanced at Bucky, you saw a hint of anxiety in his eyes. Not only was he reassuring you, he was reassuring himself.


The next four days seemed to go rather slowly but eventually it was Tuesday. Your eyes opened and you sat up in the bed, hoping to see Wanda by your side. Instead there was only more bed, no Wanda. You huffed and threw your blankets off you and walked out to the kitchen. You ate breakfast and watched a movie.

One movie, two movies, three movies, four movies. Half way through your fifth movie you got bored and turned the tv off. You checked the time. 1:43 am. A groan escaped your lips. Wanda wasn't back yet. You didn't worry though, it was normal for them not to arrive on the day they thought.

You walked back to your room and lied in bed. You fell asleep shortly after.

Morning sunshine swept through your window and you stirred in your bed, rolling to your side. Your eyes opened and you saw that Wanda still hadn't returned. You got up and walked to the kitchen, repeating the same process as the day before.

Two movies down and it was still only 2 pm. Oh how you longed for the day to be over. For night to come and for you to hold Wanda in your arms again.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by very heavy footsteps. Bucky sprinted past the couch and down the hall. 'Bucky never runs that fast' you thought, 'they must be home'. You jumped over the back of the couch, running down the hall and to where the quinjet usually lands.

Just as you ran in, the jet landed. Your body shook with nerves and excitement. Moments after the jet was turned off, the door opened and everyone walked out. Steve walked out first, closely followed by Sam, Nat and Clint. Where the fuck was Wanda?

You watched Steve walk straight past Bucky, who looked kind of offended, and to you. You held your breath. This couldn't be good. "I'm so sorry, Wanda didn't make it" steve spoke quietly but softly, trying not to hurt you more then his words did.

Tears started rolling down your cheeks as quiet sobs escaped your lips. "I'm kidding, she's still in the jet" steve smirked. Your face dropped and your tears stopped. You glared at Steve coldly. "I fucking hate you" you said and used your powers to make him float up in the air. You ran past him and onto the jet, spotting Wanda standing up with her bags.

"Wanda!" You screamed and tackled her in a hug. "Hello my love" she said and hugged you back. From behind Wanda's back, you clicked and seconds later, a loud thud was heard. "What was that?" Wanda asked. "Oh nothing. Steve told me you didn't make it so I levitated him. I just dropped him" You said and Wanda laughed.

With her hands behind your back, Wanda moved her hands around as red energy wisps floated. She gave steve a wedgie and smirked as she rested her hands back on your hips. "Maximoff!" Steve screamed. A "you deserve that" was heard from Bucky, making you and Wanda laugh again.

"I'm happy your back. I missed you" you said as you and Wanda walked into your shared bedroom. "I missed you too" she said as she lied next to you. "Go to sleep, love. You sound exhausted" you said and kissed her head. "Goodnight" she said and lied her head on your chest. "Goodnight" You said and combed your fingers through Wanda's soft hair.

Wanda fell asleep after a few minutes and so did you shortly after.

You both slept Peacefully. Neither of you had slept well without the other. It was nice to be back together, asleep in each other's arms.

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