Bucky || stuck

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You walk down the hall, hand in hand with Bucky. It was early in the morning and everyone was asleep but you and Bucky. Most days, you both got up at around 6am to go to the gym and normally ended up having breakfast at 9am.

You finally reach the gym and Bucky holds the door open for you. "Awww thanks" you say and kiss his cheek as you walk past him. You walked over to the lockers tony had made for everyone who lived in the base, you put your bottle in the locker and grabbed out your sweat proof headphones.

The headphones were wireless so you had to connect them to your phone. You walked over to the treadmill and started your working out playlist. Bucky had started before you but you liked finishing at the same time so you could go straight into sparring so you decided that you'd have to cut the distance short a little.

Pressing the button to start the treadmill, it started at a walking pace and slowly built up to a run. You didn't really like running since you weren't the best runner ever, especially when it came to long distance. You were asthmatic so thank fuck Bucky knew how to deal with asthmatic people. He spent his childhood looking out for Steve and helping him through asthma attacks so he always knew how to help you as well. Your asthma was nowhere near as bad as Steve's was but it was still asthma.

20 minutes or so passed and Bucky stopped his treadmill and walked off it, breathing heavily with sweat running down his face. You stopped your treadmill and slowed down back into a walk before getting off to catch your breath. You stopped your music and took out your headphones before walking to your locker to put them and your phone away and grab a drink, Bucky following closely behind you.

You took a long drink, still panting a little after you swallowed another mouthful of water. Just as you took another drink, Bucky took his shirt off, showing his toned chest and abs. You choked on your water at the sight and spluttered a little, trying not to make it obvious that you had choked on water from how hot your boyfriend was.

Unfortunately for you, Bucky noticed and walked over to you, placing a hand on your back. "You good there doll?" You weren't looking at him but you could hear the smirk in his voice. "Shut up Bucky" you said between coughing. Bucky laughed before turning and walking away to god knows where.

After a few more moments, you got your breath back and stopped coughing and spluttering. You recomposed yourself before putting your water bottle back but a thought came to your head before you closed the door to your locker. Bucky knew exactly what he did to you by walking around shirtless and how it distracted you because, ya' know, have you seen his abs? 'Two can play that game' you thought before trying to pull your shirt over your head to leave in just your sport bra.

Well you tried. You don't know how, but somehow while you were pulling your shirt off, it got stuck and your arms were tangled. You were stuck in your fucking shirt. You tried to move your arms and untangle them but it didn't do anything. You literally couldn't move. Your only option left was to call over Bucky but that came with great sacrifice.

Give up your dignity and have him tease you about it for the rest of your life or rip your only workout shirt which you payed $60 for. There was no way you were gonna rip the shirt so you had to call Bucky. You sighed heavily and groaned before calling out for Bucky.

Bucky was punching a punching bag on the other side of the gym, his back to you. "Bucky!" You yelled. You couldn't see through the shirt and had no idea where he was. "What!?" He yelled back, not being bothered to turn around. "I - uh - need some help!" You put your head on your arms and thought about how embarrassing this was gonna be and there was a good chance Bucky would tell the team and then they'd watch the security tape and you'd never hear the end of it.

Bucky groaned and steadied the punching bag before turning around to see what you needed help with. Once he figured out what you had done, he started giggling but it escalated to him laying on the floor, tears leaking out of his eyes from laughing.

"James! Fucking help me you asshole!" You yelled, you weren't exactly pissed but you weren't very happy either, just wanted to be out of this and your arms were starting to hurt. Bucky lifted himself off the floor and walked over to you while still chuckling.

"How the actual fuck did you manage to do this?" Bucky asked as he walked around you to see how stuck you were. "I don't know," You whined "just help me. I don't wanna rip this shirt" "we might have to darlin'" Bucky said as he came back around to in front of you. A groan escaped your lips. "Not all hope is lost though, don't worry" Bucky reassured you.

Bucky grabbed the bottom of your shirt and swiftly pulled it over your head, releasing your arms from that horrible position. "I can't feel my fucking arms" You said as your arms hung limp beside you. "Thank you though" You said to Bucky and pecked his lips before taking your shirt back and putting it in your locker.

When you turned back to Bucky, you caught him staring at your boobs. "Who's choking now, huh?" You teased as you walked past him. He scoffed but felt heat rising on his cheeks as he walked after you.

The rest of the gym session consisted mostly of you teasing each other with things like "don't get your arms in a tangle...again" and you chanting "choke" while Bucky does chin ups, making him laugh and fall down but your favourite was when you were leaving the gym and Bucky went to put his shirt on but put it on too roughly and moved his arms too quick, basically ripping the shirt in half, leaving you a laughing mess.

The team did indeed look back on the security tapes and watch you get stuck, all the way through to Bucky ripping his shirt. You and Bucky were teased about it for a solid three months by everyone but it stopped until it came up again at your birthday.

Both you and Bucky never heard the end of it after that.

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