III: Shifts in the Winds

Start from the beginning

[A barely audible sound comes from the Asian man. His stomach growls loudly. He looks to his stomach with alarm. Then he hugs his stomach and looks at the faces around him with visible worry]

BARAK: Oh, for heaven's sake, get him some food. Who knows whether those Ambience monsters even fed him.

CHAZ: But we need to know why he is here and if Ambience can track him.

BARAK: It doesn't matter. This man needs our help. He is probably starving and he clearly does not know or remember how to live in this world. No, we have to help him.

[The Asian man turns his head to watch every face as the men talk around him. He opens his mouth and tries to form a word in his throat]

HOST: (translated) Ple...ple...

OPEYEMI: Hold on, he's saying something.

HOST: (translated) Please?

[The Asian man holds his stomach in his two hands. A silence settles for a moment]

CHAZ: Well, at least he can say something.

BARAK: Shut up, Chaz. We will get you some food.

[Barak is briefly in frame and he rubs his belly. The Asian man seems to understand and his face brightens into a smile as he begins to rock his body back and forth]

OPEYEMI: This poor man.

[A messenger comes from behind the camera and interrupts the conversation (IHC historians were unable to identify him]

MESSENGER: Chaz, Chinwe, there is a woman here. She says that she works with Theresa Mwangi.

OPEYEMI: Did she identify herself?

MESSENGER: She only gave us this.

OPEYEMI: A playing card?

BARAK: What card is it?

OPEYEMI: The queen of clubs.

BARAK: I know who it is. Bring her in. And for heaven's sake Chaz, turn off that camera.

[Recording ends]

[End Transcript]

News Article: The Hanson Harbor Inquirer: 08/11/2175

By Samantha Rodriguez

Breaking news. Several Terran landing ships have been detected entering Novan atmosphere in the Northern hemisphere. The troop ships appear to be on a direct course to land in Gerulf's Sea directly south of the Imladris settlement. They are being accompanied by nearly a hundred Terran unmanned fighters. The Novan Air Force has responded to this attack from submersible fighter launch platforms across the planet and are currently engaged with Terran fighters in combat.

Initial casualty estimates have been high. Terran fighters are unmanned, while Novan Air Forces have remained manned in compliance with Grushan military recommendations. This does mean that Novan fighters are less maneuverable than Terran fighters; however, Novan fighters are also larger and more powerful than the Terrans who have been limited by the requirement to transport them in space.

Some Terran troop ships have successfully landed in Gerulf's Sea and are being met by Novan patrol ships.

More updates will become available.

Official Transcript: Phone Call: From Arya Kumar: To Theresa Mwangi: 08/12/2175, 0715 Local Time

MWANGI: Arya! What is on your mind this morning?

KUMAR: It's really "who" that you should be asking. Gennady Semyonov is here.

MWANGI: Gennady Alexandrovich is in Kinshasa? Where? Is he with you?

KUMAR: Yes, he's here at the capital building. He's brought a fairly large escort with him. A lot of people from Russia and other parts of Europe seem to be hanging around with him and outside. He says he has important information for us, but he won't tell me what it is without the rest of us present.

MWANGI: Why? He knows you, or at least he used to.

KUMAR: I'm really not sure. He says that it's too important for us to risk mistranslation.

MWANGI: Well, can he at least tell us what kind of information he has brought to us?

KUMAR: Nothing exact, I am afraid. Theresa, I'm worried. It has been a long time since I have spoken to Gennady, and for the past month he has been very strange.

MWANGI: You are right, Arya. Before the last month, he would never have incited riots.

KUMAR: I agree. [pause] What do you think should be done?

MWANGI: I do not know. Sasha and Ramon have left the city, and Linh is too busy to meet for anything short of an emergency. I can come to speak to him.

KUMAR: How soon can you get down here? Semyonov's supporters are here, and they don't come to places for peaceful gatherings if the last month is any indicator.

MWANGI: And so you fear having them on this lawn too long. Very well, I will come in ten minutes. Tell him that he may speak to me and to you and that no one else is available; that is true as it can be. And make him welcome in Kinshasa; he is still a friend to the movement, even if he has gone down his own path. Offer him food and see to it that he has lodgings, although if his supporters really are here in force, we may not have enough housing to accommodate them.

KUMAR: Still, I'd like to have one of the Troys present if possible. Something in his manner is making me uneasy.

MWANGI: Well, are any of them here right now?

KUMAR: Damien stopped by to say hello to his sister when she first arrived. If he's still here, he's probably with her husband and kids.

MWANGI: Then contact him and tell him to come over if you really are that uneasy. I will arrive as soon as I can. Be sure not to start without me!

KUMAR: I doubt that he'll let me. Be safe.

MWANGI: Oh, don't worry for me, Arya. I will be safe. Gennady is still a friend, I hope.

KUMAR: I hope so too.

[End Transcript]

Personal Communication

From Theresa Mwangi

To Sasha Comnenos, Ramon Bover, Nguyen Linh Pat, Cardinal Joseph Okeke, Dumarith

Friends in Christ and the dissident movement, I have bad news for all of you. Gennady Alexandrovich has come to Kinshasa to speak with me; he has warned me that the Hegemony has learned of the launch of the black ship. If they know then the Zaha-Katchem surely must know as well. The shuttle is in grave danger, as is the dissident movement in Africa, South America, and the West and East. Pray for the three who we sent to Yveran.

Ambience Tactical Mainframe: Strategic Command Operation 1373 HOST RECOVERY: 08/12/2175

Host no. 067 GPS transmitter reactivated at 0607. Location: Ghana, Africa. Covert asset 673 and 558 reassigned to location.

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