I hate him, I hate him, I fucking hate him! As I ran through the lobby, the man at the front looked at me and tried to stop me but I kept running until I was outside the building. I could still hear Harry's faint screams for me to come back but I kept running for what felt like an hour until I reached a very dark side of the city that was poorly lit by the street lights.

I knew I was in far worse danger out here than I was with Styles but at this point, I didn't care. I couldn't stand being with him any longer. The wind had picked up as I walked through the side of the road making me shiver and grab my arms for comfort. To the left of me was nothing but a dark mob of trees making me regret my decisions of running away. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing or where I was even walking towards to. At one point I contemplated to get inside an old abandoned car to prevent him from finding me but I saw it was filled with trash and spiderwebs.

Who am I kidding, I could not make it on my own.

I had to have been walking for about twenty minutes now, because I was now out of reach from civilization and was left with an abandoned Gas Station and a few cars that circled the place. The streets were poorly lit and it couldn't be good for me to be walking outside this late at night with no destination. As I kept walking, I looked around in fear as I thought I had heard another set of feet walking behind me. When I sped up so did they.

I quickly looked around the floor and found a rusty metal pipe but before I could reach it, they grabbed my arm harshly. I could smell cigars, alcohol and vomit on their breath making me cringe as they held onto me tightly. "What's a pretty thing like you doing around these streets at night, huh?" He says making me kick at him. He tries holding onto me tightly as he drags me by my waist towards a dark alley but before he even got the chance to I broke free from his disgusting grip and went for the rusty metal pipe. When he saw me grab it, he chuckled and took out a switch blade. "I don't mind working for it." He says and my body shudders with disgust.

He tries to lunge at me but before he even gets to get near me with the blade, I swing the pipe and smack it out of his hands, he groans. "Stay the fuck away from me!" I shout, I was angry and afraid but I wanted to live. I was also a bit rushed on adrenaline and pretty crazy.

"Ow you fucking bitch!" He tries to go towards me again but I swing the pipe again and hit him over the side of the head, this still didn't knock him out as he just bled from his temple. I swung again, this time I hit his side and he clutches it before I swing again, hitting his head various times until he finally falls to his knees. His hand grips my boot to bring me down but I continue to hit him with the pipe on his back until I saw a pair of headlights.

I quickly recognized the black car as it harshly pulled in next to us, allowing me to see that it was Styles. "That's enough!" Styles shouts as he walks towards me, but I kept hitting the disgusting man with the pipe. He was very clearly knocked out by this point and I didn't know if he was even breathing. But apparently that didn't stop me as Styles stalks towards me, grabs the bloody pipe and throws it away from me. He stares at the guy on the floor beneath me, not moving. "Fucking hell." Styles mumbles as I tried to catch my breathing. I was angry, and it didn't help that he grabs my forearm harshly and tries to drag me towards the car.

"Let go of me!" I shout, pushing at his chest making him let me go. "I will bash your fucking head in too!" I threaten as I start walking away, despite my head telling me not to and to just get in the car, I just couldn't.

"You better get in the fucking car right now." He grits but I ignore him. "Valentina!" He shouts again, growing impatient before I heard his gun going off, startling me and dragging me out of my violent streak. "I said get in the fucking car!" He shouts, his voice echoing in the abandoned side of the city. When I look back to the guy on the floor, I realize Styles had actually shot at him, judging by the pool of blood around his head I'd say he's pretty dead.

This time I had no choice. I basically helped kill someone and I knew if I was on my own now, my thoughts would eat me alive.

So I walk back to the car before he harshly got inside and slammed the door after him and sped off. I was much too focused on being angry to even realize that the man had managed to cut me with the blade on the side of my wrist, there was blood oozing out of the wound. When we get back to the apartment complex, Styles grabs me by the forearm, basically dragging me towards the apartment but I didn't say a word this time.

Once inside, he locks the door and grabs a med kit from the counter. "Sit down." He demands. I stand my ground for a moment but I do it anyway. He begins to clean up the wound with rubbing alcohol and I flinch at the sting but he doesn't care before he adds Neosporin to the cut and wraps it with gauze tape. He inspects my face and begins to wipe at blood splatters with an alcohol wipe until he realizes that it isn't my blood.

Styles comes back out with a roll of duct tape and begins to tie my ankles before he handcuffs me, making sure it was tight enough. He was angry as he basically carried me over his shoulder and threw me on the bed.

Styles doesn't say a word as he shuts the door behind him and I am left alone in the dark.

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