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It was already fall and Adain had been going and coming to college for nearly three months now, there was no sign of Azeem he only phone every now and then and that was to only speak to his grandmother, when Adain asked she would shake her head and look sorrowful, mom had picked herself up and had got promoted at work so she was away more than normal now, Mrs Mandalay was better in the sense that she spoke now and intervened, Azeem hadnt started University he had apparently froze his enrolment when Adain didnt know maybe some angel thing, Adain was on her way home when it started to rain, it was bitterly cold and she just wanted to get home and start on her paper, she would whip up a sandwich or so and if Mrs Mandalay wanted some shed make her one too, but she probably would be napping now. Adain arrived home to a mailbox full of letters, she picked them up and sorted through them quickly most of them was for mom and one for Mrs Mandalay, she left them on the kitchen table and made for the counter top to make a sandwich, it was really cold out and the rain was pouring down, she had finished making her sandwich and placed it on the coffee table near the balcony where Mrs. Mandalay always sat, Adain made her way upstairs shrugging off her jacket, she knocked lightly on Mrs. Mandalays door and made to go in, Mrs. Mandalay was sitting in her chair reading when she saw Adain she smiled and waved her in, Adain smiled back accumtomed to her smiled now after such a long time together, "Hi, its really cold if you want I can get another blanet mom wont be home still maybe eight, and if your hungrey a sandwich maybe." She sat beside Mrs. Mandalay and smiled "Know thankyou." She paused even the smallest of words seemed to come with great difficulty, she took Adains hand in her own which were small and frail "He phoned, his well and says hello." It was always the same, he never spoke to Adain and he never said more then 'hello' it was so silly not speaking or seeing each other and she missed him something rotton. Adain nodded making to stand she didnt want to cry infront of Mrs Mandalay she only worried, "Well anyway would you like something to eat?" She had to get out of the room she didnt want to sit and wait and think and maybe cry, so she made for the door Mrs Mandalay only smiled nodding her head in refusal and picking her book up again to continue reading, Mrs. Mandalay was always so quıet she only seemed to speak with mom around she never quıet figured it out but mom seened to spark something up inside the old lady.

Adain made her way to Azeems room and pushed open the door she always visited his room at least once a day, she could still smell his cologn and she could touch his t-shirts, she loved the feel of his bed, and she felt that somehow he was still there and that he would turn and smile and call her over, but he didnt and he wasnt there, she moved over to the window and looked out often hoping that he would come down and suddenly whip her up in his arms then she would accept everything, event his weird angel thing, only for him to be there with her, where she knew where she would be going. But he didnt and he would not now and maybe not for a long time, how long would she wait and how long was she willing to wait, would he eventually come or was he biding his time with someone else she couldnt bring herself to believe something like that could be. She walked out and closed the door, he wasnt there and he wouldnt be coming for a long time maybe.

Adain was sitting by the balcony doors just finishing her sandwich when her cell phone rang, "Mom hi?" "Sweet its really bad out Im gonna be late please help Mrs.Mandalay to bed ok, I dont know what time Im coming." Adain sighed "ok mom is everything alright, Mrs. Mandalay was in her bedroom I dont think she wants to eat either bit upset still about Azeem." Adain was upset herself she just wanted him home, she heard her mother sigh "Give it time Mrs. Mandalay knows her grandson shes more worried about you sweet, now look after yourself and lock the door ok." Adain nodded "ok then mom see you later." and the line went dead, her mother was worker harder and harder trying to save money for them to get a place of their own although Mrs. Mandalay didnt want them to, mom insisted they would have to eventually. Adain actually thought maybe it was a good idea since Azeem wasnt here and everything in the biasted house reminded her of him, his smell his chair his shirt his everything, and she was losing her mind over it. Was he thinking of her she wondered, and had she really deserved this much of a panishment, maybe she did, eventually he would have to come she thought as she stood by the wet balcony window and placed her palms upon the cool pane, "Where are you Azeem come back to me pleas" She felt so lonely sometimes, she sighed deeply and turning aways she rinsed out her plate and made her way upstairs, she checked on Mrs. Mandalay who was already in bed, "Mrs. Mandalay Im going to bed mom is gonna come in late if you need anything just shout I will be leaving my door open ok." Mrs. Mandalay just starred then she lifted her hand and called Adain over sighing she made her way into the warm bedroom, "Mrs. Mandalay dont worry mom will be home before you know it ok, I will stay here if you want ok." Mrs. Mandalay shook her head "He cares for you too much, thats why." She sighed, "I dont understand are we talking about Azeem, yes Im sure he does." The old lady sighed closing her eyes "He will come I know" Then she fell back onto the pillow and nodded "An angel loves only once" she was saying but her eyes were close and Adain didnt know what to do but sit and listen "He loves with all his heart and when that love is not recipercated it breaks him it shames him, he will come for I can see your love its growing, you are a good girl Adain and my boy is a good angel, love and care for each other, there is nothing else for it." And with that she was gone like asleep, not budging, Adain shook her a couple of times but nothing, she looked for her pulse it was there, she simply covered her up and left the room, talking seemed to exhaust her, love and caring, she shook her head and smiling made her way to her bedroom, ıt was dark when she arrived she undressed quickly and slipped on her pjs, she picked up her book and snuggled into bed, it was chilly although the house was warm, was she coming down with something she couldnt be sure, she snuggled even deeper into the covers and started to read she hadnt done her paper but it wasnt due until next week and she had the weekend infront of her so she thought relaxing was ok.

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