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So as Adain made her way to the guest room which she was accustomed too she didnt think nothing of it when Azeem didnt follow her, and in actual fact she was grateful she didnt know how much longer she could go without attacking the guy, she stepped into the spacious bedroom and closed the door softly behind her taking a deep breath as she leaned against it, her eyes were closed and when she eventually did open them she was always astonished as alwaya to see the room;  it was a beautiful lavender room, the two bay windows were adorned with lavender coloured curtains with petite flowers and angels embroidered on them, thin laced curtains underneath letting in the soft moon light, there was a double sized bed to her right covered in another lavender embroidered coverlet, sweeping the purple carpetted floors, to one side was a mirror and dressing table, and to her left was the bathroom and small book case, she breathed in silent adoration for the room and secretly she had always loved this room and had wanted it to be her own, she moved over to the window and looked out, she could see the dead forrest and its tree tops, the beautifully maintained garden and the small pond, it was so beautiful, and she wondered how it had been before when Azeem had been young and his parents had lived here, she wondered not for the first time what it would have been to be inlove here at this mansion with servents and helpers, then she laughed at herself she was being stupid there was no servents and their was no helpers, infact the helpers were herself and her mother so that didnt go down too well; and Azeem was just another boy and Mrs. Mandalay was a grandmother, and she was just a teenager, but would it have been magical, would she have been happy with Azeem, then she shook herself, god she has only known the boy for a few days and now she was daydreaming about him.

 She slipped off her shoes and jeans glad to be out of them and left on her t-shirt, she pulled back the covers and slipped into bed, it was cool against her skin, she thought of the way their skins thad touched and the fiece tingling in her hands and arms, the way her heart sped up each time he smiled and the way she felt around him like she was someone so important that nothing else mattered, he made her feel beautiful and at the same time said the strangest things, but then again maybe he hadnt been around many girls, yeah wishful thinking, she was sure that he had all the girls falling all over him, especially where he did that digging stuff and all talking about fossils and mummy things and stuff that she understood nothing about, she couldnt even pick an intellegent conversation with the guy without cooning and dribbling all over him, and he probably had noticed too, although he did look interested in her too, she wasnt that bad anyway she thought to herself, she had nice hair and a nice small nose, her body features were small but well poportioned, but Azeem was handsome, and she smiled to herself settling back into the covers and closing her eyes with a promise of a nice XX dream she fell asleep thinking of Azeem fast asleep under his silk covers smoothing over his body, and sleep came sooner then she anticipated....................

It was still dark out when Adain suddenly opened her eyes to a fluttering sound, at first she couldnt see anything it was so dark, she looked around waiting for her eyes to adjust, sitting up in bed startled at hearing the sound again, she swung her legs over the bed and looked around;  the sliver of light that came in through the window was mute but she just about could make out the night, the sky was dark over the dead forrest and the moon was shining  then she noticed it, there flying about was a large bird, swishing about, souring high into the night and disappearing, she grasped and sat back suddenly scared, it was much too far to make out what type of bird but she thought it must be rather large since she made out its large wing spanse, it wasnt unusual to see wild life here and about, Jools had said that he had seen many wild birds, and that they did come out at night, but surely could any bird be that large, Adain came to the window but the bird had gone and she smiled to herself, she was seeing things, there wasnt anything there, she could still feel her beating heart, her ears were ringing with her fright, she needed some cold water, she was seeing things now, birds and things, it was probably just the clouds looking funny and all, it was pretty dark so she softly tip toed to the door and opened it looking out it was fairly dark but she could just make out the doors; Mrs. Mandalays was slightly open but Azeems was shut, she breathed a sigh of relief and made her way to the stairwell trying not to make any noise, not that she could the floors were all crafted marble; and she was pretty sure that her mother wouldnt wake or Mrs. Mandalay, in all the time that she had stayed in this house not Once had she met any on her midnight travels, and she had had plenty of them, she made her way down the stairs winding itself around the inside of the house until she found the bottom, she softly moved towards the kitchen, the floor cold under her bare feet she shivered slightly but for an old house it was fairly warm, was the heating on she thought maybe so, mom always did those things, it was much more brighter in the kitchen because of the windows and she could see her way around much better then the upstairs, she walked in and made her way to the fridge opening the door she plucked herself a one of many small bottle of water that was always kept at hand, James brought all the groceries, he was the local market guy who had a little van and each and every Monday morning and Wednesday morning he would bring along the necessary stuff, the lists were made by Mom which she dropped off by e-mail to James daughter Anita, who now was pregnant but not married and that is another story that mom always says it does not concern us, so there is always food and drink here and Adain didnt feel bad in taking some, she always did anyway,  she could feel a soft breez hitting the back of her bare legs confused she slightly turned and noticed that the balcony doors were ajar, did they forget to shut them, that was unusual, not that anything would happen, noone would bother to come and rob this place, there was noway anyone came near it and she had never heard of any breakins here in the town, but it was strange never the less; she closed the fridge and with her water she moved over  to the doors looking about, although it was chilly, it was bareable, Adain looked up to the sky, and nothing, she must have been dreaming, she stepped out onto the balcony and looked around but nothing she heard an owl or two but nothing out of the ordindary, she turned to sit and drink the last of her water, when she felt a presence, turning to her astonishment Azeem was standing at the balcony doors, in the streaming moon light hair lifting half nakered, only a pair of shorts hung lowly on his hips, his hair wildly ahew, and his feet were bare, "Azeem?..................." Was all Adain could say, Azeem looked surprised too but he quickly smiled sexily, "Adain whats wrong? Your up?" He hadnt moved, he was still standing in the steam of the moon light, his hair lifting softly in the breeze, his torso was shadowed but beautifully sculptered, his arms were massive, sinew and muscle, his eyes were shining brightly, so brightly that Adain couldnt be sure why they were so bright, her mouth half opened she starred what else could she do, he was beautiful, could anyone be so perfect it just was a sin, and for him to be here now with her, what should she say and do, nothing came to mind, and softly the bottle slipped from her hands and fell to the floor splinning the water about her feet, still stunned she stood there, Azeem quickly rushed to her stepping in the split water and suddenly everything disappeared, the kitchen the sofas, the balcony even the world, only her and Azeem stood there bound together by the split water at their feet toes touching, vabrating, Azeems intense look captured her own, "What were you doing?" She managed to say there breaths mingling, Azeem answered his eyes held hers, "I couldnt sleep and I thought I heard something, and you?" Adain couldnt look away, "I couldnt sleep either, and I thought I heard somehting too......" Azeem lifted his hand to her hair and pushed it back, his hand trailing along her hair to her back then over her shoulder, "You have such beautiful hair." He said, his hand inches away from her face, Adain tried to smile but she couldnt all that she could see was Azeem and his breath and his hair and the way his eyes shone bright, right into her soul, Azeem breathed "And your eyes the colour of the night, your skin so soft like a perl." And as he spoke his fingers touched her eyes then her cheek but every so lightly, like a feather touching; his eyes were so intense Adain was gaping at him her feet boiling in the now congregated water.

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