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Adain wanted to know more to try and understand, she didnt know that these kind of fantasy, myth and flying men could be real, but here she was talking to her angel boyfriend.

Adain sat forward on the bed and looked at Azeem "Azeem I dont want to lose you, I care for you more than maybe I want to admit, but it is alittle hard to believe what I saw, which I saw and I touched and I am sitting here talking to and ......." She lowered her face to her hands, Azeem pulled her hands away, "Adain I was telling you about your name I said it meant Winged but I didnt tell you what my name meant...." he waited for Adain to look at him, and when she did he continued "Beautiy, my name means beauty, but I am not beauty Adain you are! do you understand, we are soul mates, soul mates are named after their other half, you after me and me after you, this is how I knew that you were my soul mate, from the first moment my gran phoned me and told me that you were there looking after her and your name was Adain I knew, I tried not to come I tried not to mess up your life but it was so hard, I just wanted to come and see you just to touch you and see if the myth was true, Adain it is, when I touch you I feel everything in your soul as you feel mine but you dont know how to understand it at the moment, it will come eventually, if you let yourself go....." Adain looked at him confused, what he was telling her seemed true, and the things that she had been feeling making her giddy and dizzy, she had known that it couldnt be normal but she hadnt thought that it was because he was an angel, the way when ever he touched her or even kissed her she thought she could feel his heart beating, thats why she had the banging in her head, the rush of blood to her fingers and up her arms, she was feeling what he was feeling, he was feeling the same things, thats why she couldnt cope with it, she was feeling both sides,  he had very strong feelings for her now she relised that, mixed with her feelings it just must have over whelmed her, secretly she liked the idea, he could never lie to her, she would understand, she would always know, just as he would always know and feel the same as she did, this was definetly wild, they would always know if the other still loved one another, this was intense. Could she cope with all this pressure, and if she coudlnt how long would he wait for her was this what she wanted? she didnt want him to go and she wouldnt let him go, she just needed time, but obviously Azeem didnt have that time.

"Azeem its just so I dont know hard, I mean I understand you and yes maybe what you say is true but I still dont know maybe if we take it slow" The she looked at him thinking again "Well not too slow, but  em' so what do you feel or see when you touch me?" She asked shyly, Azeem smiled "Can I sit next to you on the bed.....?" Adain smiled unsurely, and moved aside making room for Azeem, "Yeah............" Azeem moved up and resting against the headrest stretched his legs before him, "Ok I wont touch you so dont worry but Adain please believe me you can trust me, I wouldnt do anything to jepordise this... what we have now." Adain looked down embarassed, she didn twant distance even now as he sat beside her she could feel some kind of energy, something that she couldnt explain but she wanted to touch him, kiss him, and things that maybe she normally wouldnt dream of doing.

"Azeem you can touch me I wont scream or anything it was just such a shock when I saw you thats all, but em' I suppose its cool, I mean you dont have to sit so far..............." And with that Azeem took her in his arms, sighing in relief he kissed her head breathing in her scent. "Oh Adain I couldnt stand it if you wanted that from me, I would die, you give me strengh and life, you are the reason I am here..." Adain looked up "Really, I thought you came because of your gran?" Azeem laughed "Know, I could sense you, feel you your every move, but yes she did go on abit about you, and that hightened  my wanting to be with you, but if it didnt happen now it would eventually, we angels have a way of finding our soul mates." Adain settled back in his arms, maybe she could get use to this maybe this  could work. she could give it a try, she wanted to make it work, she needed Azeem as much as he needed her and now was not the time to coward out, with that Azeem grunted and Adain looked up curious "Tell me Azeem can you read my mind, because you seem to answer my thoughts before they become words?" Azeem sort smiled then gave her a sly look "Well sort of, but not all, I can pick up on some of them, sorry about that it comes with the angel thing." Adain laughed softly, "So I cant do it, I cant read your mind? " Azeem smiled down at Adain, her blue eyes shining, "Well not yet but with time, you will be able to , you will master it with mIne, you'll see everything will be so beautiful." Adain smiled into his shoulder, she was hoping what he was saying was true because she wanted everything to be just as beautiful as it was right now. "You know its quiet  beautiful to be able to fly above into the clouds, its so special, maybe we could go out some time and I'll show you, you will love it." Azeem was in a daze, Adain responsed "Azeem your wings are so pretty and soft, Im quiet fascinated, will I have wings?" Azeem laughed "Know I dont think so but maybe our children, thats if you want any......" Adain blushed marriage, children, was he this serious about their relationship, it felt good, to know that, but just too soon, would the children come out with wings, no of cause not, where did that come from. Azeem squeezed her "Dont worry they wont be born with wings, and no Im not rushing you I do think about such things some time, cant help it sorry." Adain laughed "Well its a bit early but its nice to know that your serious" Azeem lifted her face to look at him "What did you think, I am serious, this is very serious, arent you serious, Adain, I wouldnt just tell anyone about myself or save them or for that matter invite them into my home and have them near me and my grandmother where they could see and hear everything, I trust you both very much, and we my gran and me think very highly of both of you, if your not having the same feelings as me you should tell me, becuase I think I got my wires crossed."

The winged beauty.....Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin