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Azeem and Adain were sitting by the balcony with the doors slightly open, Azeem had made two cups of hot chocolate and they were sipping in silence, Adain didnt know what to say, they had sort off just not spoken, and now Adain could feel the silence filling out around and between them, she didnt know what to say or do, she realised that Azeem was ready to give her all and everything but Adain wasnt too sure herself, she cared for him and yes they had come a long way but did that mean that she was bound to him or that they would end up together, what was this thing between them she sort of wanted to believe that it would never end but what with mom and dad and other stuff that had happened she just couldnt be sure and things were moving much to fast for her liking, she wanted to reach out and touch him and to see those blasted tattoos, they were cool, she really didnt get a chance to see what they were and where they began or ended, but of cause that was her fault the bloke was throwing himself at her left right and centre and she was playing the innocent, but what could she do, she didnt want her mother to know what she was up to with Azeem, God as if she didnt know, this was so silly and she felt silly, she felt stupid, dumb, and all other words that came to mind, he was great, beautiful and loyal, and she was waiting.....for what.

"Adain whats wrong? Your twitching again." Adain looked up startled as she noticed her feet twitching on the floor, smiling she said "Sort of thinking about us, and what a fool I am....." She looked away feeling stupid infront of Azeem, he had been nothing but truthful and kind.  Azeem smiled placing his cup on the coffee table before them, "Its ok. I understand its so much to take in at such a small time and yes you are still young and you want to live your life and I understand, I just thought you were different you know that you felt the same and that no matter what it was you and me and all that, but I understand its ok, I can some how try and move on or whatever, I cant force you to accept whats happening or even try to make you understand, if it was meant to be, it will be, I will just have to wait and see." Azeem clasped his hands infront of him and lowered his head, she could just see the tips of the tattoo and it surprised her that she actually thought they looked sexy, "So how did you get the markings then?" She pointed towards the tips showing through his t-shirt at  the base of his neck, Azeem smiled "well actually some several nights ago it started very painfully, and I think it has stopped, I knew I was going to get them, but I didnt realise this big and paınful, but I dont care its what happens and I accept." Adain felt guilty suddenly, he was going through all this pain for her and she couldnt even tell the guy that she was his and all that, but was that her fault; she couldnt just give up on life and accept everything for him, she was a free agent, free willed and all that, and she needed to keep talking "So em' what if you fall out of love with me then?" She cautiously asked, Azeem shot her a look and suddenly stood agitated, "Adain you dont just fall out of love, not in angel land, Im here for good and inlove with you, god I cant believe we are having this conversation, I cant believe that I made such a big mistake, I am inlove with you, and I cant fall out of love with you, and these tattoos are for real, they dont fade and disappear as long as my love is strong for you, even if you dont love me or want me, I cant be with another, I cant fall for anyone else, thats it, thats angel law! These tattoos symbalise my love for you our bond, god I cant believe this is happening, to just think................" Adain was so taken aback she stood too, feeling suddenly bad, like the wicked witch of the west, but only now she was angel bad witch, Azeem turned his back to her and pushed his hand through his hair, not knowing what to do she just stood there watching, Azeem turned, "You know Im sorry I dont have the right to shout or yell or want anything from you and I dont have the right to force this on you, your an innocent, please accept my apology ok. I just em' need to think a little, I shouldnt be here, I dont know I made some wrong assumptions, and your not at fault. your just acting as any other human would and thats the sadness of  it all." He lifted his hand to touch her cheek but pulled away and moved to the balcony doors pushing them open wide and breathing in the air, and suddenly his wings opened filling the balcony outside, beautifully white and pure, the muscles of his back bunching up, he looked up at the sky and suddenly was off flying away, "Azeem............................" Adain breathed as the tears rolled down her face. She waited for long hours by the balcony doors for Azeem maybe he would come back but he hadnt and she had become cold, closing the doors and locking them, he was gone and there was nothing for it but to wait...............................

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