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It was morning and Adain felt well slept, she stretched and yawned smiling to herself,  her mother hadnt waked her, which she was secretly pleased about,  but she knew that she must be home because the hall lights were on which was filterting through her door which was open, but had been closed last night, Adain jumped out of bed and made for the kitchen downstairs, she picked up her empty mug, she made herself a bowl of Crunchy Nut and a large mug of strong tea, then settled down at the small round table in there moderate kitchen, the house was quiet and soundless, the rain had stopped some time during the early hours Adain thought, the dew was still upon the flowers and leaves as she sat and watched out the small kitchen window, she felt famished and like she hadnt eaten for a long time then she remembered that she hadnt eaten anything last night, but she had enjoyed herself yesterday,  although she had been shocked at the same time it had been nice to actually talk to someone else, and that someone else was at Mrs. Mandalays house, which was convenient, and she did have his jacket which she had to give back to get her own back, and she did have to visit Mrs. Mandalay anyway but today her mother was coming too,  should she go, or should she let her mom go and pick up her jacket but not got Azeems jacket back, but she didnt want to sound to egar, and she had to tell her mom too, she couldnt wait she wanted to tell her everything, she finished eating and drank her tea nearly choking in her hurry to clean up and wait for her mom to wake which would be much later in the day,  finishing up she washed the dishes and cleared the counter top  tidying up alittle at the same time then made for the bathroom first, she cleaned up there sanitising the closet and basin then made for the lounge which wasnt too big, she dusted and hoovered the small rug under the coffee table, plumping up the cushions and hoovering the coach and sofas once she finished there, she hoovered the stairs then her own bedroom setting up the washing machine as well, and then she picked up her mothers jacket which she must have slung over the banister in her rush to go bed in the early hours of the morning, she hung it up in the closet at the top of the stairs then made for her mothers bedroom, she pushed opened the door slightly and looked in her mother was spawled on the bed in her nurses uniform half covered half hanging off sleeping, her arm was over her eyes and her breathing was even, Adain moved in trying to straighten her up, pushing her on the bed as much as she could then trying to cover her best she could, her mother never noticed and in response turned and snuggled into the covers, Adain smiled to herself pushing her mothers hair from her face and sighing, she worked much too hard, but Adain wasnt old enough to do anything about it just yet, but one day she would, and her mother wouldnt have to work again.

Adain finished a few hours later she was totally tired when she looked up and noticed it was nearly twelve thirty in the afternoon, she smiled to herself  her mom would be up soon, she washed her hands and made up a large sandwich for her mom and herself, then making up several smaller ones for Mrs. Mandalay and Azeem, she piled them into a plastic container and then put the kettle on, just as she was making her way to the bathroom again to shower and and get dressed herself the phone rang, Adain turned back thinking it would be her dad and picked up the phone breathlessly, "Hello?" she said sitting on the side of the small table which was situated near the hall to second landing, "Hello!" came a masculine voice which she knew now,  and definetly wasnt her dad, "Hi!" she said again energetically, she heard Azeem laughing "You didnt come?" He simply stated, waiting for her answer, she was taken aback but thrilled that he had missed her and in a way she had wanted to hear his voice again, velvetty and smooth like the ocean  "Oh..........em' Mom hasnt woken yet and we usually come together on Sundays, did you need anything?" Why did she feel like she had to ask she wasnt his servent or anything, she heard him sigh then breath deeply, "No, no I didnt mean I wanted or we needed anything, I just thought you would come by again, Im sorry if I presumed wrong,  god Im not good at this am I; I just thought and Em' my gran was feeling lonely...." Adain laughed at that,  at least he was sincere and she liked that, the way his voice catched and pondered, he was real and that helped, he was so much different than what she was use to, he was kind and realistic and secretly that felt good, so he did like her that she was sure of at least fifty percent.

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