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It was morning and Adain was laying awake in bed she had a wishful smile on her face and a dreamy look in her eye the house was quiet no doubt everyone was asleep, she had the best dream ever of Azeem flying her about and stuff, it was superficial but nice, she smiled to herself as she stretched, she turned to look out the window, it was still the early hours of the morning from what she could tell, she quickly jumped out of bed and made for the bathroom with a quick shower she donned her clothes from the previous day and finger combed her hair, she slipped on her shoes and started to head down when she paused at Azeems door, it was shut and no light or noise came from it she shrugged and ran down the steps almost banging into him on the stairs they fell abruptly on their bottoms both startled and jostled from the fall, "Oh Sorry!" Adain exclaimed feeling silly and panıcky now, Azeem laughed lightly "Dont be silly, I thought I'd surprise you but it seems you surprised me." Adain laughed at that, "Yeah we do have a way of surprising each other.." Azeem smiled standing and helping Adain to stand too, the tingling was there again but this time it travelled slowly up her arm and didnt bang against her ears, but softly and subtly settled deep into the recesses of her heart. Azeem was starring at her strangely as his hands threaded through her wet hair, "Azeem....." He smiled sweet and unthreaded his fingers "I know Im sorry, going too fast, stop." He groaned, Adain didnt think he was going too fast but they were standing on the stairs and it wouldnt look too good for them to be found by her mother making out. "Know its not that we are on the stairs, mom could wake up any moment now, thats all." She took his hand in her own and pulled him down to her height.

"We should get an early start, before its crowded at the University anyway", He smiled pulling her along as they  makde their way to the kitchen and Adain was trying her best to get her feelings under control by not looking at Azeem, "Hm. Oh yes of cause." They were in the kitchen now and Azeem had made his way behind the counter top bushing himself with coffee tea and some breakfast, "What would you like then? the Weetabix?" He smiled at her not waiting for her reply he pulled out the box and put two pieces into a bowl and some warm milk, then he made a bowl for himself and brought them over to the table, then brought over two hot mugs of tea and coffee, "Thanks, you having some too?" Adain asked shocked he hadnt said he liked stuff like this, although she was silently please, "Well not really what I eat in the mornings but why not, it looks good, and since your eating it and I like the look of you I suppose I should try it too." and with that he dug in his spoon and ate away, Adain smiled picking up her spoon too, "Well did you like it then?" Azeem turned and looked at her with a scrunched up face, "Adain I forgot the sugar." and with that they both burst out laughing, after applying some liberal sugar to their weetabix they age away much more contented with the out come.

They were making their way out when Adains mother Ashly caught them at the bottom of the stairs, "Ah Miss Ashly, you remember me telling you yesterday that I wanted to enrol at the University, and I thought that Adain should come too, and em' maybe if you would allow it I wanted to take her out to dinner?" Ashly looked from her daughter to the boy then back again, her face broke into a smile and to Adains total surprise, "Of cause why not, Adain hasnt had much fun lately, always around here doing something or the other, I would appreciate it Azeem, Thankyou." And with that she moved past them into the kitchen, Adain stood shocked what had happened that had changed her mothers mind, did Mrs. Mandalay say something, her mother seemed much more calmer, she looked almost peacful.

Azeem smiled like a silly child with his hand caught in the cookie jar, "Well thats that then, she agrees come on before the spell breaks." and with that he whisked Adain down to the front door pushing her jacket into her hands and picking up his cell phone from the front table, they stepped out and were suddenly hit by the cool weather, but they both giggled and slipped on their jackets and walked down the steps, at the bottom Azeem stopped and turned to Adain "Would you mind if I held your hand." His hand was out stretched and waiting Adain looked down and smiled she didnt mind at all, so she grabbed his hand in hers and smiled this felt good she thought and from the look on Azeems face he thought so to, they had to walk quiet a bit to come to the town centre where a road turned off towards the University, it was a busy day and Adain was suddenly thrown back into the world of the living, she kept her head down and hurried along beside Azeem, "you know I have to get a car, this wont do like this, I mean our first date and Im making you walk." He groaned with whisps of cold air cırculing around them, Adain suddenly stopped, a date! Were they on a date, god she felt suddenly dizzy, Azeem turned and looked at her, tthen suddenly thinking he had done something wrong burst out with the words she hadnt expected to hear , "But if you dont want to date I can wait, and then it wont be a date until you say, and I'll do and say everything you want, I wont be silly and I'll listen to you and whatever you want, but just dont say no, not just yet ok." His hands were waving around frantically and his eyes were intense as if suddenly frightened by the fact that Adain wouldnt want to date this superb looking god like boy come man............She smiled slyly and said "I want to date and I like the idea of dating, but just be yourself, and I'll be myself, so you like me Ha?" And with that she walked off finally feeling happy that he did like her just a little even if not as much as she liked him. Azeem came from behind "Well ok but you might not like me being myself." And with that he took Adains hand and they walked down the street to the University building.

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