Chapter 24- Hot or Not

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I softly smiled and put my mask on. I secure it tightly and give a thumbs up to her telling her the boys can come down. She yells their names and moments later I hear a bunch of footsteps running down the stairs.

She then heads upstairs leaving me alone with the boys. Emilio is the first one down. His eyes widen and a smile spreads across his face. He then rushes over to me. Ivan and Ryder to the same.

"Oh thank god you are okay." Ivan says

"Yeah if you weren't we would've felt really bad." Ryder says scratching the back of his neck.

"Here we brought you this." Emilio hands me a white board, marker, and eraser. I grab it out of his hands and look up at him in confusion.

"It's for you to write on since we know that you don't really talk." Emilio tells me and I nod.

"How are you feeling?" Ryder asks.

I uncap the marker and begin writing my response

"Better." I wrote down and turned the board for them to read.

"That's good." Ryder smiles.

"Wait I have a question." Ivan says catching my attention.

"Which one of us is hotter and which ones not?" he smirks

"Really Ivan." Emilio shoves him and groans

"Seriously." Ryder rolls his eyes.

"Hey I mean its an easy answer. It's me." He buffs his chest up and I giggle a little bit.

I take my board and marker pulling it close to my chest and begin writing. I obviously wasn't;t going to write which one was hotter because I didn't want to boost any of their egos up any higher.

I turn the board over and they begin to read it. All of their smirks turn into a glare at me.

"Hey he isn't that hot." Ivan yells.

I giggle a little bit. On the board I wrote, 'None if you are Shawn Mendes.' Don't come at my neck for it. He is hot and that's facts. Case closed

"Whatever. She knows deep inside that I'm the hottest out of you guys." Emilio smirks.

"No. She thinks I'm the hottest idiot." Ryder hits Emilio upside the head.

"Guys. C'mon. We all know that I'm the ladies man." Ivan smirks and pushes the boys.

"Please. You couldn't even get a girl unless Emilio or I helped you." Ryder tells him.

I rolled my eyes and start writing on the board.

"Aren't you guys twins? So if one of hot then the other is hot too?" I showed Emilio and Ivan.

"Well I guess you're right about that but my hair is better." Ivan shrugs.

"Whatever you say buddy." Emilio says patting Ivan on the shoulder.

"Hey what about me?" Ryder intrudes.

We all laugh while he pouts. They are really funny. Maybe I should keep them around much longer than I intended.

"So Lexi when will you be able to fight again?" Emilio questioned.

Crap. I forgot i'm Lexi right now. This sucks. Man I was just happy for a moment but then Lexi got in the way.

"I'm not sure. I just want to focus on getting better and try to get my grades up in school." I wrote down.

"You go to school?" They all said in shock.

"Yeah, why?" I wrote down again.

"We didn't know you actually went to school. We always thought you were like 20 years old or something." Ryder explained.

I Punched Emilio MartinezOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz