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I saw Joel walking towards me....I decided to walk back towards him...

J: lizzie are you Ok im worried about you...

L: I'm fine don't worry about me...

J: is it true u aborted the baby...

L: Yes it is...

J: I still care about you... Even though I'm with hannah

L: look Joel... I think your such an amazing person... So please go be with hannah... She loves you so much and you love her to... If you love someone go get them... Before its to late and they've found someone else, I care about you too Joel but please go home to hannah...  And your gonna be together and have beautiful children and live a happy life because that's what you deserve Joel...Your perfect... ( tears pouting down face)

L: goodnight Joel ( faintly smiles)

Lizzie walks home to her house in tears but knowing Joel had her back as a friend... But was lizzie willing to let go of the love of her life?... Did Joel feel the same...


I love hannah and think she's lovely but what lizzie said completely changed my opinion... God I miss lizzie and all of the good times...  She saved my life but now it's time for me to save hers...

Jizzie/loveforever/sequel Where stories live. Discover now