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I didn't want to go to the party but my manipulative bitch of a girlfriend Gemma is going and I have to go with her or shell hurt my family, I felt better that I broke up with lizzie a year ago but, I miss her... I wonder if she's going...

I got in a taxi with Gemma and we drove to the party me and Gemma got out the car and she held my hand really tightly, gosh how I hated her,


Me and my friends got out the taxi and went Inside, it was craned full of people, it was crazy,


Music was blasting out, everyone was dancing and drinks were coming round, it was kinda boring, I spent a few hours dancing with  my friends but then after a while I decided to walk to the back of the hall were it was quiter,


I was stood in the middle of the hall being pushed by all of these crazy dancing people, I decided to walk to to back, and on my way to the back of the hall I ran into a girl, she turned around, her name was lizzie, we immediately kissed and we held it for ages, then she pulled away and we ran out of the building over to were the fun fair was, no one was allowed over here so it was just us, we stole some cotton candy and ate it together we kissed again, she is so fit and sexy...

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