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Joel's POV

I woke up to see a missed call from the hospital... I get out if bed get dressed and that and go to the hospital, I see the nurse running up to me...

N: joel im so sorry I meant to tell you but...

J: what? Meant to tell me what?

N: ( looks sad) Lizzie's gone missing she hit me and ran out security tried to stop her but she was running to fast...

J: ( pauses and runs home)

I run to my room and ball my eyes out, I love that girl so much and she runs away... What if she's been kidnapped...

I look on my phone to see 3 missed calls from lizzie and a few texts saying ring me quick...

I quickly call her...

J: lizzie is that you, you ok?

L: yes Joel look...

J: why did you run away are you safe tell me where you are?

L: I ran away because I was tired of treatment yes he hurt me I can deal with a few cuts and bruises I needed to get away...

J: Where are you?

L: I ran for a few miles and I'm living in a hotel for a few weeks

J: what hotel...

L: livelyrose hotel it's really high quality and food is free!

J: Ok I'm on my way


Lizzie's POV

I feel relived Joel knows where I am... He's on his way which is great I'll finally get to see him!
I keep having  flashbacks of calum and I feel like i need help but im trying to ignore it even though I feel like something bad is wrong with me... I don't know what...

I tidy the bedroom and clean the kitchen and sort of the living room before Joel comes, after everything is clean I walk down to the reception and there I see Joel stood with his suitcase looking around...

L: JOEL!! ( walks over to him)


They kiss as the beautiful sun starts fading away...

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