The Answer

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"Im...Im actually doing...i...doing"

Sapphire starts to give me the answer I was waiting for but is cut off by asura, his tears start to spill out as he tries to cling to somebody but nobody is there to cling to.

"What sapphire is trying to say, is that he's suppressing his power of being a Umi"




My mind refuses to function as my heart speeds up and my face feels like it's melting.

Sapphire? That guy? Our friend? Umi? Umi?! He's a umi? All along? asura knew? Why did she hide it? What? Why? How? When?

I start to spin and grip myself on her shoulders, what did I just hear? Did I hear wrong? So many questions fill up inside my head ready to pour out in a jumbled mess.

" umi?"

He nods anxiouely and fiddles around with his hands,unsure of how I'll react.I have never heard of a umi in real life before,I thought they were fictional and only in stories! What is my life right now?

Asura grabs my hand and sapphires and leads us into a empty classroom to speak.She gently let's go and sits on a desk looking down at both of us.

"This isn't a dream,or a mistake.Umi do exist so it's good that you now know"

"But how do they exist? And why?"

"I don't have all the information but I can tell you some,mainly about the origins"

I leap up,eager to find out about umi and what they are.Such a new discovery has wrecked my mind in a state of both curiousity and wearyness.

"Listen up and I'll sing you a song of how umi were formed"

A song? Not a story? Why singing? Though I do like her singing voice,it's very soothing.

"In the dark ages of history
Formed a strange mystery
The three groups of people
We cannot see or hear about anymore~

Wiped from books and magazines
Even tales as old as he
The he who was our father
And our father who came forth.

It was said that through this time
Everuthing was a crime
Law was out of control~
But even if they should
We came
so missunderstood~

Many of our seka lived!
Many of our sekama ruled!
Many of our sacred name died....
But the important thing
Is the good news that they bring
So lets keep them all alive!

Soon apeared a little winkle
A secret race nobody knew of
Untill the very special day
The would be revealed to cause disarray and death and torture

But dont worry
Were all sorry
For the mistakes
In the past
We are not created
More like grown
from death ink
Everybody knows
Where the road goes
I leads them down
The path of the umi
And soon we came to be

Many years
1200 years later
It was revealed that a new race was born and sold
Named after the legend


As dark as Thier name
Known later as umi
But it all stayed the same!
The pain and guilt
The feelings we all felt
No seka cared
And they never will
Ever again!

Moving onto the personality
The drug into hand
They swallowed with glee
Thinking it would make them
Oh so happy
They were so very wrong
But right!

They shinned and shinned
But the laws didn't allow it
Our golden age
Was all shrouded in dakrness~
So we picked up our knifes and we killed and killed
If they didn't like us,we would leave this world peacefully
We never gave up!
Untill we were out of luck!

So children,don't worry
This world isn't safe
But I'll protect you
In my living embrace
Your eyes aren't a curse
Just a reminder of your choices
Remember this story
As your mother's guide
And don't hate your eyes
And Please do not cry....

That's how umi were made
And how umi Behaved
By living off of lies and lies!"

I start clapping as she finishes the last note,hoping my appreciation will get through to her.It was a very emotionally driven song that I could tell Asura was affected by how she almost cried halfway through and how much power she put into some parts.

Though this song didn't make me any less scared of what I had originally heard about umi,if not more.All that killing and killing,do umi really have such a dark past of murders? It sickens me to think about it,I don't want to think about it.

CSSS (Childish Selfish Self-cest Sacrifce)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora