The Conflict

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(Tried to make a longer one this time, grab a snack case this one is full of information and arguments, oh boy)

Alex POV

I'm always thinking, it's actually something I do unconsciously.My main thought right now seems to be aimied at that cocky, effeminate guy standing next to asura.Why would she even talk to that girly guy, I know they hate each other so why?

While I was analysing him, I didn't notice asura came and sat next to me on the dusty floor.

"Hey Alex, why are you staring at saph so hard? You can't be seriously considering that he's better then me,could you?"

"Of course not! Asura, you are just too paranoid, I was just...thinking about...why is such a poof so popular?"

Asura shook her head and looked over at him, chatting to some guy I didn't know.I know he's in my class, the girls always flock to him but I never got his name, I think it's "Rean" or something.

"It's best we don't think he's popular, and your right, he's very effeminate, the first thing I said when I met him last year was 'I found another fruit berry!'..haha"

"Another one? Who? I though crimson was straight...."

She puts her hands to her face and looks at me with pity, what is she talking about? Who else is a fruit berry?

"'s not crimson, (though he is also probably a poof) its somebody else, somebody you know very well"

"Ryan? Didn't he have a girlfriend though?"

"Its not my brother either"

"Well im confused now, Is it a girl? Or am I just forgetting somebody?"

She just turns around saying "Nevermind" and walks towards sapphire.Fine, just ignore my questions!

I sigh and look at the time, isn't it almost time for lunch? I guess it explains why I'm hungry now.I head to my peg and hang my bag, before reaching in and grabbing my rescue money. Only £2,this isn't enough,I want a sandwich as well!

I decide on taking my money anyway and head up the wooden stairs, money in my strong grip as I push open the doors and overhead a voice, or two?

"Saph, I don't know what to tell you other then to suppress it.."

"But what if I can't? You know, rion is right there, he will find out!"

"Yeah I guess that's true, but it's not your fault if he pushed you, he's such a unforgivable guy"

"I can forgive him! Like always!"

"That's cause your blinded, you clung to the first guy you saw and now your suck in longing"

"Its not like I won't let go, its only been a few years"

"You should have given up when he pushed you down the stairs! Hurting people isn't acceptable, im going to tell a teacher!"

"No! The teacher doesn't care, he saw me get pushed earlier and didn't care!"

The conversation gets heated as I accidentally get nudged by another schoolmate as I fall in and land on asura who was just yelling at sapphire just now.OW!

I hit my head but before I am able to look at what happened, my eyes are covered by asura's hands.She has very quick reflexes since I had her pinned to the floor just moments ago.

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