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Jezebel's pov (as the trip processes over the next few weeks)

  I knew that Eric would not take this well, but really? Trying to stop Ana from helping someone who obviously needs it. Really!?! And bringing up her guilt about what happened to her family. That idiot. He just completely took the entire situation with Ana wanting to help Spencer out of portion. Now I'm not even going to help him or listen while he tries to complain to me. Spencer has been introduced to everyone, and while most people were wary of him, he is a great guy and has a pure soul and heart despite what he has been through. I watch as the person I see as a sister is losing her best friend and maybe, just maybe, finding love. Their bond is one of the strongest I've even been able to read, but it's hard to define it. Eric and Ana's bond was strong and was changing. But that moron has basically broken it beyond recognition.

  Eric just watches them from afar and has this heartbroken expression. I hope his mom can talk some sense into him. She always has been able to do some amazing things. He keeps trying to talk to the Crew and trying to turn them against Ana and Spencer being together. The twins almost killed him as soon as he talked to them. I told them exactly why Ana wasn't talking to him anymore. I ignored him and calmed Mike down. Dimitri tried to punch him. After that, we still hung out with him, so no one suspected that something was off.... but every one of us hated him now. And will continue to do so until Ana forgives him and maybe even after. I still can't believe he said that and tried to make Ana seem like the bad guy. She hasn't spoke to him in weeks. 

   Spencer filled the spot Eric left perfectly. He is almost always seen with Ana, helping her, talking, walking, or just sitting. If he wasn't by her side, Spencer was playing with the kids, giving their mothers a much-deserved break. Then there were his mandatory sessions with the mind healer. He got along with everyone. Well, almost everyone. The Crew loves him. I can't wait until we get everything built. I wonder when Spencer will ask Ana for her favor. (We have been teaching him all of our traditions and such.) Oh. Just imagine the wedding. I'm getting ahead of myself. I just guess I have wedding fever. 

   Ana looks so much happier when talking to him. Spencer has made her aura notably more vibrant. Ever since she found out we had to leave, and then the reason why her aura has been so muted and gray. He really is good for her. They will be wonderful leaders, no matter what any else says. I'm happy I will be able to see them in action and while they fall in love. I'm so happy for her, my sister. Ana has found her love, her one and only. Not everyone does. I can't imagine Ana's life now, not without Spencer by her side.      

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