Chapter Seven: Liars

Start from the beginning

I smiled back at her, instantly forgetting about my quarrel with Mousefang. "Still on cleaning duties, hm?" I asked with amusement, my eyes shining at her.

"Yes, well, it's not so bad. Shadeclaw was with me for a bit today but then he went to see Cherryheart." She flicked her tail at me. "I think Whitefoot and Buddy are looking for you."

"Do you know where they are?"

Icepaw chuckled softly. "Here they come right now."

I froze and turned around slowly, seeing my mother and father hurrying up to me. I had done so well to avoid them. Curse you Icepaw for distracting me!

"Soulpaw!" Whitefoot mewed, pausing in front of me. "Buddy and I need to speak with you." She nodded over at Icepaw. "Excuse us." Then she practically dragged me away from Icepaw. I wanted to plea at Icepaw to save me, but I knew that would hurt Whitefoot's feelings.

We stopped under the Tallrock and Buddy spoke now, "I'm joining WindClan, Soulpaw. I know you don't like me but I want to be here for you and your mother. Whitefoot told me about the other kits who were born with you and I should've been here to support you. At dusk Russetstar will be doing my ceremony. I hope you can understand," Buddy explained to me with a frown on his face.

I stopped myself from snapping at him. I didn't like Buddy, but I did love my mother. "If this is what Whitefoot wants I will support her. However, don't pretend like you are my father. You aren't." I glanced at my mother who nodded at me. "Very well." Then I hurried away from my parents, right back to Icepaw.

She was gazing at me with concern and a tilted head. "What's going on?"

"Buddy is joining WindClan," I responded, my kindness completely gone. "Instead of Russetstar punishing Whitefoot for mating with a rogue, her mate gets to join our Clan and torture me." I went to slip past her into the den but she stopped me with her tail.

"I'll always be here for you, Soulpaw." Her green eyes soothed me a little. "Are you going to sleep?"

I nodded numbly at her, unable to speak. My voice just wouldn't work.

"I'll let you know how Buddy's ceremony goes, okay?" she told me in her soft honey-like voice and flashed me a smile.

Quickly, I padded into the den and settled down into my nest, tucking my tail around myself. I just needed some rest and maybe I wouldn't be as grumpy as Jaypaw!

The sleep came quickly and I willed it to be peaceful.

"Are you ever going to open your eyes?" a snappy voice asked, causing me to jolt awake.

Before me stood a large pure brown tom with long legs and a long tail. He had bright green eyes that bore into me, causing me to be quite uncomfortable. There was something weird about him but I couldn't figure out what.

Around us was the open moor, although none of it looked familiar. Was I no longer in WindClan territory?

"Who are you?" I demanded, glaring at the tom who was far larger than I.

He rose to his paws, lumbering over me. "I am Fallowstar. I once was the leader of WindClan. I now reside in StarClan. And you are Soulpaw."

My eyes flickered around, seeing other cats racing around us, all of them unfamiliar.

"What do you mean, I'm in StarClan?" I asked, feeling worry itch at my paws. Had RiverClan attacked and killed me in my nest? Was Icepaw okay?

Suddenly, I spotted what was so odd about Fallowstar: he had glimmering stars in his fur. My entire body shook in fear.

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