Chapter 40

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I woke up the next morning warm, seriously sore in the face but warm. It had been a long night between the nightmares and the nurses waking me up every few hours to take my vitals but Ryder stayed by me the entire time and didn't complain once that his sleep (which was probably bad to begin with seeing as he was sharing a very small bed with me) kept getting interrupted. He just watched what the nurses did and listened to what they had to say. Once they assured him I was ok and they left, he just wrapped me tight in his arms and went back to sleep.

I knew Ryder was still sleeping by the amount of his weight he was giving me and his slow deep breaths.

I took the time to myself and processed everything that had happened since I was found. I had yet to see myself in the mirror and to be honest, I wanted to put that off as long as possible. I couldn't open my eyes much so I knew those were pretty swollen. My cheek was throbbing and I could tell I had at least one cut on my lip. Other wise, I was telling myself it could be a lot worse. I could still be stuck in that house having no idea of I would ever make it out.

Now even though I'm in the hospital, I'm laying in bed with Ryder who hasn't left my side since I woke up. On this thought, I hear the door slowly open. I turned as much as was comfortable for me and saw Mike poking his head in.

At my smile, he opened the door fully. He was just about to speak before I put a finger up to my lips and pointed toward Ryder, wanting Mike to be quiet to he could finally get some sleep. Mike got my point and quietly moved to my side of the bed and dropped a kiss on my head before sitting down. He moved the table toward me and put a Dunkin' Donuts bag on it. Knowing a chocolate chip muffin was inside, I smiled as wide as I could before it began to hurt my split lips. Making as little noise as possible, I took it out and began eating. Mike just sat there in silence, not taking his eyes off of me.

When I was close to finished, a nurse burst through the door, taking no care to be quiet for the patients' sake. Her noise unfortunately woke Ryder up and he sat with a jolt. He scanned the room, but when he saw no threat, he laid back down.

          The nurse walked over to us with a smile on her face, "How are you feeling this morning Harper?"

         "Ok, my face is pretty sore and my head is killing me."

          "That's to be expected sweety. You got conked on the head pretty hard. Now, all of your vitals have been good since you woke up and all of your function tests have come back normals so they want to do one more scan to see how the swelling in your brain is doing and if it's gone down, you'll be discharged later today."

         This was great news since I really want to go home to my own house and away from the hospital. So I smiled and answered, "Great, will they be able to do the scan soon?"

        "Your scheduled in a little over an hour so hopefully by lunch time you'll be on your way."

        I sighed in relief and relaxed into Ryder's arms. The nurse finished everything up and left Mike, Ryder and I to ourselves.

        "Angel, if you're feeling up to it, Chavez needs to talk to you and the sooner you do it the better. Are you ok with me telling to come by now?"

         I really wasn't, I didn't want to think or talk about what happened. But I knew I had to, for the police reports and for my own mental well being. And if I could get it all out now and not have to bring it into my home, then I knew I had to suck it up and get it over with. So I nodded to Ryder and he pulled out his phone and shot off a quick text.

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