Chapter 9

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          Shit Fuck Shit! I thought to myself as I drove down the rode and could have sworn I saw Harper standing on a corner with Grace. Before I was too far away, I looked back to see if I was right. FUCK...that is Harper and even from this distance I could see the disappointment on her face. 

         We were supposed to go out last night and I blew her off. And of course I did it right after I went down on her in a bar parking lot, which is not something a woman like Harper normally does so she had to be feeling extra shitty about being stood up, and I didn't call to let her know I wouldn't be there nor did I answer any of her calls or texts. 

         Damn, I felt bad about ditching her in the first place but now seeing that look on her face made my heart hurt. Then there was Grace, her face a mask of fury as Harper had undoubtedly told Grace what had happened. 

          Then there's the cherry on top, I have another woman on the back of my bike first thing in the morning. I knew I was going to have a hell of a time explaining things to Harper.  

         It's not like I have to explain myself, we've only been seeing each other a couple of weeks and we're not exclusive, or that's what I told myself. But a voice in the back of my head kept telling me that Harper was different and I couldn't treat her with the same indifference that I usually treat women with. 

         I also knew that she did deserve an explanation. I stood her up and that had to hurt her. I had started the night off finishing up some club work  then had a few drinks with the guys. I meant to cancel with her, I really did, but then a bunch of the club girls started showing up and it just slipped out of my mind. I didn't hook up with any one, but I did take Ariel home. We started fooling around, but even in my tipsy state, I couldn't seem to stop feeling a little guilty about the situation with Harper, so I ended up sleeping on the couch. 

         There's a reason I've been single for so long, I love women. Everything about them, from their hair, to their bodies, the way they walk, the curves, everything. And when the club girls showed up, I forgot for a little that I was starting to really like Harper. Not only is she beautiful and talented, she's also shy but when she opens up to you, it feels like you won the lottery. She has been unfailingly kind every time we've out, asking but what I do for club and listening with genuine interest as I explained about my design and building process on the custom cars I make. 

          Then there's the fans she's always running into. She always took the time to sign something or take a picture and spare a few seconds with each of the people. All while still making me feel like I had her undivided attention. 

          As I pulled up to the club house with Ariel, I  got off and went inside. I saw Caleb and Colton sitting at one of the tables so I headed over to join them. 

          "Hey guys, you're up early." I said when I got to the table, grabbing a doughnut out of the box on the table. 

          "I could say the same to you." Caleb said raising a brow. "I know you have a deadline coming up but after you left least night with Ariel, I didn't think we'd see you anytime this morning." 

          Before I could answer, Colt asked, "What's going on with that anyway? I thought you were seeing that new girl. You've brought her around a few times and she seems pretty awesome." 

         "She is, and I am. I don't know what I was thinking last night. I stood her up for a date we were supposed to have, didn't call or answer her calls, and this morning I saw her and Grace standing on the street." 

          Caleb burst out laughing, " Man that's 3 strikes in less than 24 hours. If Mike finds out you're messing with his girl you're never getting served there again." 

          Shit, he's right. Harper is a daughter to Mike and I hurt her I'm never going to be allowed in again. I groan putting my head on the table. "I fucked up,  I know I did. You guys have to help me fix it." 

          I expected Caleb to answer me, he might be a bad ass but he loves to talk and butt in to people's lives. I didn't expect Colt to be the one to offer me advice, even though he's VP of the club he usually sticks to himself, preferring to listen to others than join the conversation. "I think you should go to Mike yourself and tell him you fucked up. Then ask for his help on getting Harper to listen long enough for you to explain." 

          I pick my head up in surprise, " That's a great idea! He's less likely to ban me from the bar if I come clean myself and he probably knows Harper the best so he can give me advice. You're a genius Colt!" 

          "I don't know why you sound so surprised. I give excellent advice when I want to." 

         I finish my doughnut and grab another one before pushing away from the table. "Thanks guys, I'm going to knock out as much I can with this car then head out early to talk to Mike."

           "No problem, good luck with the girl. She seems sweet so hopefully she won't make you grovel too much." Caleb says, turning back to Colt with a laugh. 

          I hurry over to the shop so I can get to work quickly so I can leave and beg Mike to help me explain and apologize to Harper.  

Author's Note***

I hope everyone likes the story so far, please don't be afraid to like or comment ! 

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