Chapter 19

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After confronting Ryder, I went back into the shelter and spent a little more time with the kids. I didn't want to upset them with me for running out of there so quickly after the song. Luckily, none of them seemed too confused or upset by it, so I let it go and continued to sing for them.

It wasn't until we had the dogs and we're heading to the car that I realized my already crappy day could get worse. Tucked under my windshield wiper was a polaroid of Ryder and I standing in the parking lot arguing and on the back was written I'm glad you got rid of him. It was at that moment I just couldn't hold it in anymore.

I fell to my knees and just started crying. Aaron thankfully got the dogs loaded in then picked me up and put me in the car. I vaguely heard him talking on his phone in the background but I couldn't focus on what he was saying. All I could think was why is happening to me? Did I not go through enough when I was younger? How much more would I have to go through?

I allowed myself these self pitying for a few minutes before I forced myself out of it. Feeling sorry for myself wouldn't get this guy to leave me alone. I had to pull myself together and pull out the toughness I developed over the years.

         By the time I was finished with my internal pep talk, I realized that we were in front of the Sheriff's department. I looked over at Aaron as we parked.

        "While you were collecting yourself, I called the detective in charge of the case and told him what happened. He asked me to bring you in right away."

         "Thank you."

        "Of course Harper, I want this fucker caught as soon as possible."

         We walked into the station (with the dogs, even though Aaron thought it was stupid but I needed them with me). We told the person at the desk detective Chavez and sat down to wait.

        Thankfully detective Chavez didn't make us wait long. Walk toward us wearing jeans that fit him way to well and a button up that was rolled at the sleeves showing off  his impressive body. Rounding all of that off was a tick head of black hair and an amazing face.

        "Ms. O'Connell, Mr. Sanders, it's nice to see you again though I wish it was different circumstances. Now who are these two guys?"

         "Sorry detective, Harper refused to leave those things she calls dogs in the car. And call me Aaron please."

        "It's fine, we've had stranger things come through those doors. Why don't we head back to my desk so we go over what happened."
         He led the way through a maze of desks before arriving at this own. Sitting down he asked, "Ok, so tell me about what happened today."

        Over the next ten minutes we told him about my argument with Ryder and the picture found on my car. He asked a few questions  throughout but mostly stayed silent. Once we finished he put his own down and asked to see the picture.

         It was silent for a long moment after that before he said, "Harper, Aaron I really wish there was something I could tell you. My partner and I are working on the case but we're not getting anywhere and I'm becoming concerned at how fast this guy is escalating. I know Chaos is taking care of you but I want you to consider allowing me to put an officer on you at random times."
        "Why randomly? Why can't she have protection all the time?"

          "I wish she could but we just don't have the man power for that. And I'm hoping that have an officer on her at random times will force this man to back off."

         "Ok, if you think that's the best course of action right now, then I'll do it." I say looking at my dogs, I can't seem to look at anyone right now.

         "Thank you Harper. I'll talk with my CO about it and get in contact with you about the details. For now though, are you covered?"

         Yes, right now I plan on going home, locking everything and not leaving for a day or two."

         This comment is met with silence before Aaron squeezes my hand, "If that's what you want to do right now than that's what will happen."

        I nod, grateful he's not trying to convince me otherwise. "Ok, if that's your plan then I'll get in contact with you as soon as I can. But if it's ok with you, I might stop by tomorrow to go over your security and look around the area for places he might hang out."

         I assure him it's no problem and get up to leave. Shaking my hand before we go back to the car, the detective says, "Harper, I promise I will find this guy. It's not even remotely ok for someone to be going through this and I will make sure it stops."

        When we make it back to the house, I do exactly what said I was going to do, anything that could open up to the outside was sealed up tight and I changed into comfy clothes for me to bum around the house in.

        As I was heading down stairs, I over heard Aaron on the phone. I slowed only long enough to figure out he was talking to Finn. Even though I know he will, I hoped Fin wouldn't say anything to Ryder.

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