Chapter 2

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         I sit at my normal table enjoying a Friday night with my Chaos brothers, taking in the women floating around, trying to decide who I want to take home with me when I hear the door open. I turn around to see the new comers and am floored with what I see, a brunette bombshell looking sexy as fuck in a pair of tight jeans a t shirt that show off her amazing body. I stay in my seat as I watch her eyes scan the room before locking onto someone across the room. I see her and her friend move across the room to sit at the bar and watch the owner, Mike. Once Mike notices her, I watch a heartfelt welcome between the two and I begin to wonder who this woman this. 

        I take in her dark hair and beautiful face and can't help but feel like I've seen her before. I know I haven't seen her recently, I would definitely remember a face like that. I continue to watch as they three  of them appear to have a serious conversation.

            As soon as it looks like they're done talking, I stand and brush by women making their way towards me. But I only have eyes for the pretty brunette. as I make it to them I ask "Yo Mike! Why are you keeping the new babe all to yourself?" as I sling my arm around his shoulder. 

         Mike turns towards me, shooting a dirty glance in my direction before answering, "This is my girl Harper, she came in to surprise me and I'm not letting whores like yourself get close to her." Harper's friend laughs to himself as he watches the action. I stick my hand out to him to introduce myself. "Hey man, I'm Ryder. Who are you?" He shakes my hand answering with a smile,"Hi, I'm Harper's friend Aaron. I decided to tag along on this impromptu vacation, and I have to say, so far I have not been disappointed so far." 

            I turn to Harper and stick my hand out in her direction, "Ignore Mike, I'm not a whore, he like to exaggerate sometimes." She shyly smiles and she shakes my hand. "Don't worry, I'm used to Mike being dramatic. I only believe 25% of the stuff that comes out of his mouth." 

        With a bark of laughter I step back, looking back and forth between her and her friend. "So, if he's tagging along on this vacation, that means you're the one that planned it. Correct?" I question, raising an eyebrow. 

           Slowly she nods her head explaining, "Yea, a friend of mine needs my help so I came back home and since he's not working right now he decided to come with me." 

          I stare at her curiously and ask, "You're from here? Did we go to high school together?" Before she responds, I catch something flicker in Harper's eyes. Panic maybe, but it's gone before I can figure it out. "Probably, but I left when I was 16 and haven't been back since so I doubt anyone would remember me." She answers looking away. 

         "How old are you now?" I ask, thinking she can't be a day over 24, she looks so young and innocent with those light green eyes. "I'm 26 now." she answers. 

           "So you haven't been back in 10 years? What have you doing the whole time?" I question curiously. At my question she seems to get a little flustered but her friend steps in. "She's been kicking Broadway ass and becoming the it actress that all the directors want for their productions." Aaron says with a wide smile on his face, obviously proud of his friend. 

        "Yea, you should see this girl sing. You'll think you're listening to an angel." Mike boasts proudly. I never knew he had someone close enough to him that he clearly loves and considers family. I look at Harper and she her blush at their praise." I'm really not that good, Aaron is extremely talented so I'm in luck that he's not doing a play right now and is able to here with me." She says, pushing her silky hair behind and ear. 

          This is one beautiful woman and I would love to get her in my bed, but I don't think it's going to happen tonight unfortunately. "I would love to hear you sing sometime." I say, hoping to get to see again sometime soon. Mike looks up and quickly replies, "You can! Harper, I still have that old karaoke machine!" 

       A look of fear crosses Harper's face as she waves her hands furiously in front of her. "No! Not the karaoke machine! Mike, none of the people here want to listen to me sing."

            I smile a little at her reluctance to get onstage in a dive bar for a room full of bikers. "If they want to keep drinking, then they're sure as hell going to listen to you sing for a little bit." Mike snaps back at her, he turns and points to me and Aaron saying "You two, come help me get it out of the back and set it up on the stage." He turns and quickly marches into the back of the bar with Aaron in tow. "It's alright angel, I'm sure you'll be amazing and I can't wait to hear the woman that has Mike wrapped around her little finger." I wink as I follow the others to help set up a karaoke machine of all fucking things. 

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