Chapter 20

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         As I sat at the bar in the club house, I wanted to kick my own ass. Why the fuck did I have to act like towards Harper? I have no idea why I felt like I was entitled to your history, especially when it was as painful as hers seems to have been. I was taking a long pull from my beer when Caleb and Eli walking toward me. 

         "Hey man, why aren't you with Harper?" Eli asked as they sat on either side of me. 

         "I fucked up, again." 

         "Jesus man, what the hell did you do this time?"

         I told them about what went down at the shelter and the fight Harper and I had in the parking lot. When I was finished, I saw Caleb shaking his head at me before Eli started talking, "Shit, how did none of us realize who Harper was before hand? Now that I think about it, I remember there being talk about one of the students leaving for New York.  I feel like a complete idiot  for not connecting the dots before." 

         "It must not have felt good for Harper knowing all of you knew her full name and that she went to school with you, but you didn't even remember her." Caleb threw out. 

          Shit, I didn't think of that either. Now, not only had I hurt her with my reaction, I probably hurt her all the time by not remembering (or trying to look up) who she was in high school. "Ok guys, how do I fix this one?" 

          As Eli and I tried to figure out a way to apologize to Harper, Caleb's phone rang. A minute later he looked at me. "Did you know Harper got another note from her stalker today?" 

          "What are you talking about?"

          "That was our good friend detective Chavez. He wanted to let me know personally about what happened today and that he would be stepping up protection for her until everything is over." 

          "So what the fuck happened?" A sinking feeling started in my stomach. 

          "Apparently when Aaron and Harper were leaving today they found a picture of you and Harper fighting stuck on her windshield."

          I stood up so fast my stool fell to the ground, "You've got to be fucking kidding me! This asshole needs to be stopped. That fight was hard enough on Harper and this asshole used that against her? We need to find him before the police do so I can get a piece of him." I paced the length of the bar over and over again trying to get  my temper under control. 

         "I know Harper is mad at me but why the hell didn't she call me about something this important?" 

          "According to Chavez, Harper said she was going to go home, lock the house up tight and not leave for a few days. Maybe she turned her phone off?" 

         I don't even bother to respond to that, I just kept pacing trying to think of what to do. 

         "Just chill for a second, I'm going to call Fin and see if he's there or if Aaron has talked to him about what's going on." Eli said pulling out his phone even as he spoke. 

          A few minutes go by as I continue to pace, not even trying to pay attention to what Eli is saying. But as soon as he hangs up, he has my undivided attention. "What the fuck did he say?" 

          "He's at the house with them now. Says Harper is in her room with a bunch of food and her dogs and won't come out or open the door" 

          "Fuck this, I'm going over there to talk to her." 

          "Whatever you say man, just remember you can't lose your temper and go off on her. She's been through enough today and part of that is your fault." Caleb reminds me.

           He's right, I'm going to have to approach this situation carefully if I don't want Harper to kick me out of her house. Going behind the bar I grab a bunch of liquor and call in an order for pizza and wings. If Harper wants to camp out in her house, we're going to get drunk and have some food while we do it. 

          "Let me know what happens, I'll tell Colt too and he can see what security measures he can use to step up her protection." Caleb says as I reach for the keys to one of the club's SUVs. 

         "You got it, I probably wont be in to work tomorrow. I don't have anything on that can't wait a few days so don't worry about it." 

         Caleb nods from his stool as Eli grabs both of them a new beer. "Good luck!" 

        As I reach the top of the stairs, Aaron pulls the door open and blocks my way. "I don't know what the hell happened with you two at the shelter but I know it wasn't good. If you're here to be an ass to her you're not only not getting in, I'm going to kick your ass." 

         "I know I fucked up earlier. When I heard Harper singing that song earlier, it made me remember the last time I heard that voice sing it in high school. Then I made all the connections that have been in front of my face the whole time and lost it. I was pissed at myself for not seeing it earlier and I was unjustifiably pissed at Harper for not trusting me with her past. I get it now that we've only been together a short amount of time and something that painful isn't something Harper was going to share that easily. I felt entitled and didn't have the right to. I was going to come apologize anyway, but when I heard about what happened earlier I couldn't  stay away. I come with pizza and booze. Can you let me in long enough to put this down and see if Harper will hear me out?" 

            "It's alright Aaron, you can let him in." I looked behind Aaron and saw Harper standing a few feet back in an over sized shirt, sweatpants, her hair in a knot at the top of her head and a sad, defeated look in her eyes. Looking at her broke my heart. This wasn't the pretty, shy woman who once she opened up was incredibly kind, smart and funny. No, this woman was sad and cracked. Looking in those eyes, I was determined to fill them with love and happiness. 

           Aaron moved from the doorway and I instantly had Harper in my arms. As soon as she was against my chest, she lost it. Loud sobs wracked her small body. I picked her up and walked to one of the couches. "It's ok angel. I'm here now and he won't touch you. I'm so sorry for the way  I acted. There's no excuse for it and you absolutely had no obligation to share your history with me." 

          "I heard you talking to Aaron. I should have told you who I was in high school. I've had countless chances since I've been here. I've just been so scared that if all of you found out that you would look at me like I was looked at in high school. I didn't ever want to see that look on your face." 

         "How did people look at you baby?" 

         "like I was dirt and less than them. Or they looked like they pitied me. I didn't need anyone's pity, I just needed someone to be my friend but no one was." 

         My heart broke for her. I remember being in high school and just shaking my head at her if i saw her in the halls. I'm just as guilty as everyone else in that school. I knew the girl was struggling to survive and I didn't do a damn thing. "Angel, I'm so incredibly sorry that you had to live like that for so long. And I'm sorry I never did anything to help. I saw how you were living and never thought to reach out. For that I'll always be sorry." 

         All it seems she can do is nod and hug me harder. "Let's get your mind off of everything you've been through today. I brought food and enough booze to get the four of us drunk." 

         At that comment she took her head out of my neck and laughed. With that, we collected everything and went into the kitchen to try and forget.


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