WOOF ( ! ) what?! prologue

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It was Friday , I returned from school , I was happy since it was the last day of school , I only have next year and that was it, I would be a free man!

Anyway, it was Friday , I opened the door to the house , a big smile plastered on my face, I hoped my bitchy sister wasn't home, "bitch ?" I called and there was no answer, I fist pumped the air , she wasn't at home, probably fucking some hopeless living creature, she's such a whore ! Seriously why I can't choose my family ?

Anyway , where was I? Oh yeah!

I closed the door slowly , without ability to wipe the smile off my face, I balanced the school bag on my shoulder and turned slowly to the empty house...

And there it was, big and hairy and dirty and big, did I already say big? Yeah? Well it was!

And it was staring at me with wild eyes , hungry for human blood , my blood...

I tried to keep calm, maybe it was civilized , but let's face it, I'm not a calm person , so of course I screamed : " MOTHERFUCKER!"

WOOF ( ! ) what?! (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now