College Rivals Part 3

Start from the beginning

"yeah that's a big plus for me too"


An hour into the art class Lena had already consumed four mock tails and Kara was sipping her third. They had been talking almost the whole time through, when there would fall a silence it was comfortable and filled with Kara's brush strokes on her canvas or Lena's fingers moving over her own.

Kara leaned over to look at Lena's art and gasped "wow Lena, I didn't know you could draw like that" she said, surprise clear in her voice. Lena shrugged nonchalantly, she had chosen to work with soft pastels today and had started to work on her take of the galaxy.

She had mixed different shades of blue together and had added whites and yellows for the stars. She had chosen blue because it reminded her of their first meeting and Kara's eyes, though if someone were to ask she'd deny it.

"oh this" she said "this is nothing"

Kara scoffed "nothing? That is amazing! I really like how you mixed the blues together like that" she said, pointing out the places she liked the most "I love the galaxy, where did you learn to draw like this and why did you hide it from me?" she asked.

"well my parents always strived for me to be the best in everything, Art too." Lena explained. Kara nodded "well you are really good, don't give up on it okay?" she said. Lena couldn't help but smile back at the blue eyed blonde "okay." she said and leaned over to look at Kara's painting. She didn't get a chance to look at it properly since Kara moved the canvas away from her.

"hey" she pouted, making Kara giggle "sorry, no peeking" the blonde said. Lena was about to complain when the dude from the row before them turned around and shushed them "Real artists work in silence" he said and turned back around facing his own canvas.

Lena roll her eyes. "Real artists work in silence" she mocked him and Kara laughed "I bet his art isn't even that good" she added.

"well I guess we'll see in a couple of minutes" Kara answered, reminding Lena of the fact that the class was almost over.

She sighed. She didn't want this date to ever end.


"Alright class, put down your brushes, pastels, and crayons. Yes Gary I mean you. Put it down" Melissa said and growled at a nerdy looking guy on the front row who blushed and put down his red crayon.

"I'll be going around to admire your art, if I like it you're one step closer to winning the spot!" she said while enthusiastically clapping her hands together. She got of the stage and started to make her way around the room, eliminating drawings she didn't like and giving explanations as to why she didn't like it and how  people could improve their art pieces.

Melissa was at the second to last row and admiring the drawing of the annoying guy in front of them "this is really good Michael" Melissa spoke "I like it, you are up for selection!" she said with glee. The man, Michael smirked knowingly and looked behind him to mock Lena.

Lena scoffed, she knew for a fact that she would be up for selection as well. Sure enough Melissa selected her for selection not long after him and she made a face at him as if to say "I told you so". Kara shook her head and rolled her eyes at her date but couldn't help but find her adorable when she was competing like that.

Melissa stood next to Kara "so let's see your painting Darling!" she said, gesturing for Kara to turn her canvas. Lena gasped as she was met with a perfect painted image of herself.

Kara had painted her while she had been focusing on her own pastel drawing, her green eyes were focused on the canvas and the tip of her tongue was between her teeth. It was truly the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. When she looked over at Kara she saw the blonde already looking at her and smiling. Lena blushed. Man she had it bad.

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