Chapter 11

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Yoongi kept ringing the bell and ramming his fists at the door. I stood beside him, looking at the mansion.

The mansion. The place where... I couldn't process the words in my mind. It was too much to take in. I stood silently next to him. Soon, we heard the lock being clicked open and the hinges smoothly turning. The door opened and there stood Jungkook, shocked.

"Y/N? Yoongi? What's up? Don't knock so loudly, my parents are here".
"Come out Jungkook, right now", Yoongi said firmly.

Jungkook gave a confused look, glancing at me then back at Yoongi. I couldn't look at him. I stared at my feet.
Jungkook closed the door behind him and stepped out.

"Hey man, is everything ok—"
"You raped her? You fucking raped her? How could you?" I could see fire in Yoongi's eyes.

Jungkook let out a forced chuckle. "So, it was rape huh? That's what you told him? After everything I said to you that day? Jeez Y/N, didn't expect you to think of that night this way".

"She didn't think of it that way. She is too naive to conjure that up. When she mentioned 'forced', I concluded that it was rape", Yoongi retorted.
"Yoongi, it wasn't rape. Relax man, you're thinking too much–"
Jungkook brought his hand to pat on Yoongi's shoulder, but Yoongi brushed his hand off violently.

"Forced sex is bloody rape. She didn't want that to happen. She had feelings for me. You knew all along, yet you..." Yoongi gave a disgusted look. "You know why she didn't tell me? Because she didn't want to ruin our friendship. You kept taking advantage of that since day one. I can't believe you. I thought we were friends. I was wrong".

"Yoongi, don't you dare say that man. We are friends. I just... I love Y/N, and I wanted her all to myself, I couldn't control myself so–"

"So you fucking raped her? You've stooped to a whole new low. I never expected that from you Jungkook. And I didn't know that if you loved someone you'd rape them. Is that why Rachel dumped you? Did you rape her too?"
I could hear the crickets so loudly around me. I couldn't hear anything they were saying. All I could hear was the word rape over and over again. I still couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I turned up to look at Yoongi and Jungkook staring at each other, ready to claw each others eyes out. I could tell Yoongi had crossed a line there.

"Okay you know what? I've been too nice to you. Don't you fucking dare bring Rachel into this", Jungkooks eyes were full of hurt.

"You should've thought about that before bringing Y/N into this, before raping her, you sick bastard", with that, Yoongi shoved a punch in Jungkooks face. He fell on the ground, his lips bleeding. He wiped the blood with one hand, and then started laughing.
"My oh my, Yoongi punching me. Did you forget what I had done for you? And you're throwing all that aside because of this stupid girl who moved in to your place for a couple months? You're choosing someone you've known for a couple months over our years of friendship? Wow, didn't know you're that much of a traitor".

"I'm the traitor?" With that, Yoongi kicked Jungkook.
"Yoongi stop! Please... this is enough. Let's go back and forget about it. It's all in the past now. It doesn't matter".

Yoongi looked scornfully at Jungkook, and turned around, while I held his arm and walked with him to the car. But before we got in, Jungkook yelled out. "Hey! While we're at this, you should know that I fucked your ex girlfriend too. She wasn't satisfied so she came to me one night! You're such a fucking loser, couldn't even satisfy your girl! No wonder she cheated on you!"

We turned back to look at Jungkook standing up, wincing in pain, lips still bleeding, smiling devilishly. Yoongi snatched his arm from me, ran up to Jungkook and started punching him in his stomach and his face. Jungkook fell on the ground. Yoongi got on top of him and punched his eye. He stood up, and started kicking him more.

I tried to pull Yoongi away, but he kept brushing me aside.
"Yoongi you're going to kill him! Stop it!!"
He let go of Jungkook with one last kick. I saw Jungkook laying there, still smiling, grunting and moaning in pain. We got in the car and drove off.

Yoongi was tense through out the night. We were back at his apartment. Even though it was lit up, darkness was still trying to creep in somehow.

We sat on the sofa. I got an ice pack and started to pat that on his knuckles, which were bleeding. I got a towel with a bowl of water and tried to clean the blood.

"Yoongi, I know what Jungkook did was terrible, but you shouldn't have hit him so badly. You know his parents are rich. He can do anything".
"I'd like to see him try. He's the one that'll go to jail".
"Yoongi, his parents can get the best lawyers in town. What world are you living in? You just made more trouble for yourself".
"How could you say that Y/N? I made trouble?" He looked at me in disbelief, as if I had something in a foreign language, then started crying. I took him in my arms and buried his face in my chest, with my hand caressing his head. I heard him sobbing. I could feel he was broken. His best friend of years betrayed him not only once, but TWICE. I felt myself boiling up. I couldn't believe Jungkook would do this. I tried to calm Yoongi down.

"Hey hey, sh sh, baby, look at me". He looked up, all snot nosed and with wet eyes. His face was all pink.
"I am here now, everything's in the past, it's okay. It doesn't matter to me what he did and–"

"But it matters to me! It matters to me... Y/N... I just... I can't believe he did this to you... and my ex too... tho my ex willingly did it. That doesn't matter. The problem is.. he.. he.. deceived me. A friend.. my brother.. he was like a brother and he.. when nobody was there, I looked to him for comfort and help.. he was there for me every time.. it's just too much for me.." he said between sobs.

It was 1AM by then. All that drama. It was too much for me to take in. Seeing Yoongi like this, like a broken soul in a shell, it made me cry too. We just stayed there crying together, hugging each other, through the night. Eventually we got so exhausted we passed out on the sofa, my head on his chest.

I woke up the next day and stretched myself. Suddenly a sting of pain went through my head. All those memories from last night hit me. It wasn't a dream after all...

Yoongi was still asleep. I got up, got a quilt and put it on him. I made my way to the bathroom, washed my face and used Yoongi's brush to brush my teeth. I felt like I hadn't slept all night. I went back to where Yoongi was, seeing him sound asleep like a baby. He needed the sleep. He needed anything closer to death to make him temporarily forget last night...

My phone pinged.

It was a text.

From Jungkook.

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