Chapter 2

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I woke up, sat, rubbed my eyes and yawned. I looked to my left and he was nowhere to be found.
OhMyGod, I just realised I had never asked for his name.
He was probably at work.
I had nothing to wear, so I searched through his wardrobe and found a decent loose shirt and pants. I went into the bathroom, took a bath, and wore his clothes. The pants were kind of tight, but I had to make do with that. After that I washed my clothes and hung em out in the balcony to dry. The balcony was right next to the "so called" bedroom.
I had to prepare some food, but there was nothing in the house. No ingredients at all.
Dammit, should've asked him for some money.
I once again, had some eggs for breakfast. I wondered at what time he left for work, because it was 9AM at that moment. What did he even do for a living?
There was a TV set on the table in the living room, so I switched it on and started watching TV. Eventually I got bored, so I did some exercises. I read some magazines too. Cleaned up the place a little bit. It was quite a long day.
Time flew, and it was 6PM. I heard the door crack open and he entered clumsily.
"Oh hey, you're here. You left without a word.." I said.
"What are you wearing?"
He scanned my whole body from bottom to top.
"Oh.. I'm sorry. I couldn't find anything to wear and my clothes were dirty. I need to get my stuff back from my ex's hou-"
I stopped. Why was I sharing my problems with a stranger?
"Anyway, what was your name? I'm sorry I didn't get it before".
"Yoongi. And yours?"
"Y/N? What a peculiar name. So, what's the deal with your ex?"
I froze at the question. How do I answer that? I shouldn't have said too much.
"Well... it's nothing really. We only had a little fight..."
"A little fight that led you here? I highly doubt that".
He walked over to me and sat down next to me.
"You can tell me. It's alright".
I was hesitant at first, but then I laid out the whole story of the previous day before him. His expressions were blank throughout.
"It was really dumb of you to give up your job just like that".
"I..I'm aware of that..."
With that, he stood up and said "Well, your belongings aren't gonna walk themselves here. What's your ex's address? I'll go get em".
I was surprised.
" don't have to... I'll go get em myself. I don't want to bother you".
"Well then I'll go with you".
"What? No you can't. It's alright, I can go by myself".
"No, I said I'm coming with you. Let's go".
With that, he grabbed his car keys and walked out the door. I silently followed him. He locked the door behind me, and we proceeded down the stairs, out on the road, to his Nissan.
I directed him towards my ex's house.
Soon, we arrived. I stepped out of the car, while Yoongi stayed in the car. I knocked on the door. My ex came out.
"Heyyy babe!! I'm so sorry baby, I shouldn't have done that. I sent that bitch home and we ended things. I tried calling you, but your phone was ringing in the house...."
"Damon". I said firmly.
"Yes, sweet cakes?"
"I'm here to get my stuff".
"Babe, what are you talking about? You can't just throw everything away!"
"I didn't, you did".
I pushed past him, got out some cartons and bags, and started to pack my stuff.
"Babe listen to me", he said, while grabbing my arms.
"Damon, you're wasting your time. I need to pack my stuff and leave. I have to find a job and everything".
"Hey, you there! You want me to call the police on you?" , came a voice from the front door. I saw Yoongi leaning sideways against the door frame, arms crossed.
"Who the fuck is he?" Damon asked, confused and angered.
"Oh, he'"
"Her new boyfriend".
Damon and I both were in shock.
"You... you're going out with this weirdo already? Wow. You really are a slut", Damon spat. His words pierced through my heart. I felt my chest burning.
"Yo buddy, mind your language. Your tongue is in no position to shape out those words after licking another girl's vagina", Yoongi spat back.
Oh fuck. This was getting bad.
"Why you...." Damon almost balled up his fist when I suddenly stopped him.
"Guys, I don't want any fights here", I looked at Damon. "I just need to pack my stuff and leave for fuck's sake Damon, then I won't face you ever again. Now let me do my fucking job", I yelled, annoyed.
I resumed packing my stuff after asking Yoongi to wait outside and asking Damon to mind his own goddam business.
I was done packing in one and a half hour. With Yoongi's help, I moved my baggage out to the car. There were a total of 2 small cartons and 3 bags. I heard Damon slam the door behind me when I took my last 2 bags out.
"What made you even date this jerk?" Yoongi asked.
"Well, they're all nice till they stop getting the benefits", I said.
"I agree", he said, while driving.
We finally reached Yoongi's apartment, and he helped me take my things upstairs. After we got done, we threw ourselves on the sofa, tired.
"Thank you so much Yoongi, you're really kind", I said.
"I don't do this for everyone, it's just when I saw you on the streets, crying, I saw myself in you". He stared at the dustbin. He got up, brought the frame, and sat next to me. He stared at the frame, caressed the girl's face in the picture.
"This girl.... meant a lot to me. She was my everything. I loved her dearly. I had planned on marrying her. But then she... she cheated on me too. I was out shopping for her birthday present, and I saw her holding hands on the street with another guy, leaning her head on his shoulder. I confronted her, and she was so surprised to find me. She thought I was at work. I did give her another chance, but caught her the second time screwing that same guy. I ended things right there and then".
I saw tears welling up in his eyes. He took out the picture from the frame, and ripped it in half, tearing her face up into a million pieces.
I was quiet.
"I guess our story is kinda similar haha", he let out a broken laugh.
"I...I'm so sorry that that happened to you", I said.
"Nah, its fine. This happened two years ago, and I've been single since then. I wasn't able to trust any girl after that. It sucked", he said.
He wiped his tears and suddenly pulled himself together.
"Anyway, I gotta help you with finding a job. What's your qualification?" He asked.
"Well, I used to work in a bank. So I got the qualifications of a banker".
"Oh, alright then. Which bank was it?"
"It was in another city. I need to look for a new job, even waitressing would do".
"Where did you used to live?"
"Back in Busan".
"Oh, I see".
He got up and brought some newspapers.
"Well, let's get to work then, shall we?"
I nodded my head.

Authors notes:
So here's another chapter! If you liked it, vote for it and share with your fellow army friends^^~ Thanks for reading!xx

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