Of all the scenarios she could have imagined however this had not been one of them, Eliza's mystery man was her own husband, who had secret affairs with their own partners? Though if she were honest the only person she could ever envision herself having an affair with would be Alex.

"You knew where he was though Mom, you knew all along, you sat there and listened to me tell you so many times how I wished he would come and you said nothing."

" There was Cadmus an... "

"Cadmus is gone!" Alex shouted so loudly even ( Y/n) had to hold her ears. "There was no reason why he couldn't come back, and you knew again how much I wanted him at our wedding, how much I wanted him to meet (Y/n), I wanted my children to know their grandfather and love him as I had, but you know what, I'm done."

" Alex. "

Tears escaped down Alex's eyes but she continued anyway. "No, I'm done pretending, I'm tired of pretending that one day everything is going to be okay, that he will come back and everything will be as it was!"

(Y/n) watched through her own tearful eyes as Alex continued.

"I'm tired of being that kid with stars in my eyes, I'm not the girl with the cowboy hat anymore and he's not my father, he's been gone longer than he knew me, how can he know anything about me, and he doesn't care to try." Alex wiped away the annoying stray tears that fell. "He was my hero, and he doesn't even care, enjoy your fun little games Mom, I won't be around to see them, and consider your invitation to our wedding rescinded, stay with your husband and have more secrets!"

With a sudden turn, Alex was out the door slamming it behind her.

(Y/n) felt torn, Eliza looked so distraught and yet Alex had just felt her whole world tilt. "She doesn't mean it." She said hoping it would reassure it.

" Of course not. " Eliza tried to smile.

"I...I have to go after her cause well she....."

" Go, you are probably the only person she won't try to kill right now. "

"Will you be okay?" (Y/n) asked.

"Only time will tell."


(Y/n) stumbled out the door just in time to see Alex climbing into her car, rushing forward (Y/n) grabbed a hold of the door she was far too angry to drive and granted no crash could harm her now but other people were not immune to disaster.

"Get out." She said more firmly than she wanted to, especially when Alex lifted her eyes up to meet hers, utter misery reflected in her eyes and ( Y/n) wanted nothing more than to take it all away, slay all of her dragons and have her smile again.

She took the keys from the ignition and crouched down and took Alex's hands in her own. "Don't cry please, move over I will drive you wherever you want to go."

Alex hesitated for a moment before climbing over to the passenger side of the car so (Y/n) could climb in.

"So where to?" She asked turning to Alex who sat watching her in silence, it would have been unnerving if it was anyone else.

" Don't ever leave me (Y/n), not you too. " Her voice cracked and broke as her eyes begged.

(Y/n) felt her own heartbreak, reaching across she took her head in between her hands. "I'm not going anywhere Alex, you are my sun, without the sun the crops fail and life dies, if you aren't in my life Alex I'd wither away to nothing, I've been without you, and jeez I know how my heart died each and every day, I existed but I didn't live, I'm never leaving you ever, we're gonna get married and have little baby nerds just as cute as their Mom, we're going to be happy, we'll row of course we will but we will have each other no matter what, I'd face a whole freaking army that was stopping me be with you, Alex."

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