Chapter 16~ Forgive and Fall in Love Again.

Start from the beginning

"Well, Harry and Niall had a bet of who was going to pick you up from there and Niall lost," she explained. I didn't ask what the bet was. I sat beside Aleesha and an empty chair----- probably it was Niall's, and waited for him to order our food. 

"So what is new with everybody except the fact that Louis and Eleanor are gonna get married in 3 weeks from now," I asked. 

"Well I went for an ultrasound for my kidneys yesterday and the doctor said that I have 2 kidneys!" Liam announced as he placed one hand on Danielle's lap. 

"OMG! Congrats Liam! Now we all have 2 kidneys no one is left out!" I replied in unison. They all fell silent after I said that. Oh, yeah not everyone. Zayn has one. They all still remember that I would have thought that they have forgotten already. After all it has been two years though. Niall came with the food and boy, was there a lot of food! There were 10 trays of food. We each got a plate full of food and a drink. The rest was for Niall. I wonder how he doesn't get fat? He has a secret or the fact that he has a high metabolism.

" I am gonna spend my time with you and my beautiful girlfriend," Hazza remarked as he dived in for a kiss. 

"AW! Thanks Harry for sticking around with us," I said. 

"How about you, Danielle, anything special or good going on with you lately?" I asked as I sipped my diet 7UP. 

"Um... well no, I have been busy practicing for a concert , going on dates with Liam and just hanging around with my girlfriends," she implored. 

"Oh well that's gr---" I got interrupted by Eleanor.

"Um Bianca?" She started, " do you know the venue for our wedding?" 

"Uh, no but Harry can take us," Aleesha butted in.

"But if Harry forgets, its at Louis' hometown, Doncaster, behind our new mansion." She reminded us.

"Oh, it's a backyard wedding?" 

She nodded.

"What's the dress code?" Aleesha asked as she ate a fry.

"Um, for girl's something fancy but not like a church wedding, apporpiate for a backyard wedding. For guys, a tux would be great but blazers, and a shirt with fancy pants is alright," she explained. 

We nodded. After we were done, me, Aleesha and Harry got up to leave. 

"Hey we are gonna do more exploring around London,ok. So catch you later. It was all so nice to meet you again, Danielle and Eleanor." I said. We waved goodbye and out the door we were. Lucky I had brought some cash around with me just in case. We jumped into Hazza's sweet sport's car. When he turned the engine, it purred like a cheetah and roared like a lion. It was the beast who was unleashed from its cage that can't be tamed! I loved it! Actually, I loved London! We toured around London. We visited Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, Princess of Diana's memorial place. etc. Everything was magnificent. Of course we took lots of photos.  At the end of the day, we went back to our hotel.  As we were going up the elevator, I thought about Zayn and my bracelet. Will I ever be able to forgive him? Besides, he did save my life twice. I don't know, he hurt me really bad. Karma did bite  my ass after he broke up with me.  So  I'm still undecided about this. 

While me and Aleesha were freshening up and getting ready for bed, I popped her with the question.

"Aleesha, I lost my bracelet today," I said as I sat at the edge of my bed. She came out of the bathroom with a towel looking shocked. 

"Where did you leave, last?" she asked. 

"Well , that's the problem, I don't know where I last left it?" I told her. She came and sat beside me. 

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