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chapter eight
Friday 26th January 2018

"I told you earlier that I haven't dated many woman before, would it be too early for me to ask about your history?" The pair walked hand in hand through the park near the ice-cream parlour. As Tom spoke, icy air left his lips and sent clouds of breathe circling into the air. When Olivia remained silent, Tom squeezed her hand. "It's okay if you don't want to-"

"I had a husband once." Olivia interrupted, staring straight ahead as she talked, showing no signs of weakness and no signs of regret. "A long, long time ago. But he still holds me back." She fell into silence, not knowing what else to say. But Tom was struggling to muster any words, he wasn't sure what he could say. "I bet you're wondering what happened?" She whispered, finally moving her head to look at Tom with a sad smile.

"I am, but it's not my business if you don't want it to be." The man comforted as he didn't want Olivia to tell him anything she would regret.

"No, I think you deserve to know." She went on. "I told you I hadn't been on a proper date in nearly 15 years, well it's probably longer than that. We met when I was 18. I had just moved to America for university and he was in my class. Gosh, I was such a fool back then. I had never had a boyfriend, let alone fallen in love but I fell for him, hard.

"We went on dates for about a year or two but then they just kind of stopped. He proposed to me one night, nothing special, and we got married as soon as both of us graduated. About 8 years ago he left me. Not one note, text, phone call or message. He had been cheating on me with my best friend for years, and I was so lovesick that I didn't even notice the signs." Olivia finished by letting a sigh out of her lips.

"I'm sorry," Tom mumbled quietly as he looked at Olivia, who's face bare of any emotion. At this statement, the woman scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"You don't need to apologise for anything."

"I do. I'm sorry that it happened to you and that I wasn't there to stop such an awful thing." Tom explained and pulled his date to the edge of the path to stop and face her with caring eyes. Olivia smiled the best she could and pulled her hand from Tom's grasp and moved it to his face. Her thumb stroked along the surface of his skin in a caring motion.

"Oh, Tom," She whispered as she was afraid talking too loud would break her heart further. Tears gathered in her eyes as Tom stepped closer to her and cradled her face. "We both know nothing could've stopped it. And honestly, I wouldn't change any of it. Because I never would've had..." She sighed. Without her former husband, Asher wouldn't be settled quietly in bed at home. She couldn't imagine going home without her son, so she had him to thank for the little miracle she bought up. Even if he did leave them.

She never finished her sentence. Olivia couldn't. Everything with Tom felt so amazing but like it could crack in any moment as it's walls were as fragile as glass.

"You loved him. You deserve to miss and still love him, Olivia. What he did was one of the worst things, but it's okay."

"I think I stopped loving him years ago. I just miss the security and being a half to someone else's heart. I miss love." Olivia admitted. She felt foolish for saying it as she looked at the ground. Tom placed his fingers under her chin and tilted her face to look at his.

"Do you..." He started. He looked so vulnerable as the pair stood gazing into each others eyes. "Do you think you could ever love again?"

olivia , tom hiddlestonWhere stories live. Discover now