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chapter one
one direction, huh?
Tuesday 23rd January 2018

Lyra Jones ran quickly around the kitchen table, her small feet slapping impatiently on the floor as she hurried to grab her lunch. Asher was in as much a scramble as his sister, as he struggled to crunch down his cereal. White milk spilled over his bottom lip and threatened to drip onto his smart shirt which his mother had so caringly cleaned the night before.

"Mum, we need to go!" The small boy spluttered in between mouthfuls of his breakfast. The shout was enough to spray food all over the kitchen table, making Asher's cheeks turn a deep red as his mother glared at him playfully.

"I know, I know!" Olivia Jones said quickly to the boy and ran a dishcloth over the now messy surface. Her voice still lingered in the air as she talked to her agent, who was being bombarded with emails from various directors. "I'll get it done today, I promise. I only have the last scene to write." Olivia's voice was unfocused as she held her mobile to her ear with her shoulder and slipped Lyra's coat onto her small body as she bounced on her toes.

"Mummy, did you put jam in my sandwich today?" Lyra asked, a cute smile plastered on her lips. Olivia mumbled something to Sarah Williams, the Jones' agent, before ending her call and looking to her daughter.

"Of course I did, how could I forget?" She smiled at the young girl before quickly pulling her own hair into a messy bun. "Okay, let's move it! If your butts aren't in the car in five seconds I won't let you pick the movie tonight." The mum teased as she checked that her children had everything before lightly pushing them out of the apartment and locking the door behind her.

Olivia's children were a blur as they tumbled down the stairs, eager to get to the car before their mum so that they could chose the best film for the evening. Olivia was quick to unlock the car and the three of them hopped into it as if they were used to running short on time. As the siblings buckled themselves into the backseats, the car reversed out of the shared drive and was taken onto the road.

"This will not happen again." Olivia said as she glanced at her children looking back at her with an innocent look.

"Yeah, mummy." Lyra said sarcastically and poked her tongue out of her wet lips. Olivia raised her eyebrows as her children began to blame the whole incident on her.

"It was your fault. You were talking to Sarah all morning!" Asher explained, his arms flailing above his head as he described his mother's lack of timing. Olivia rolled her eyes, making sure to see that the boy saw her.

"Oh really? And was it my fault that when I told you to get ready that you secretly put Avengers on?" She questioned the guilty, who incidentally was looking out the window when Olivia wanted to catch his eye.

"Lyra told me to do it." He mumbled into his hand, which was positioned on his chin as he leaned on the car door.

"I did not!" Lyra screeched, her legs kicking up in annoyance as she sent a glare to her brother. Olivia frowned as the young girl crossed her arms angrily over her chest.

"I find that hard to believe, Asher. If Lyra were to put a movie on, she would put a one direction tour on and we all know that." Olivia said to lighten the mood and smiled to herself when the two children giggled slightly. "Now, apologise to Lyra, please."

"I'm sorry Lyra. I shouldn't have blamed you when you didn't do anything." Asher was sincere as he looked at his younger sister and muttered the apology. "And sorry mummy for not listening to you. It won't happen again."

"I hope it doesn't," Olivia stated. "And I'm sorry for being on the phone for so long. It won't happen again." The woman smiled brightly into the rear-view mirror so that Asher smiled back. The phrase was one that the Jones' would always say to each other, and it seemed to always work.

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