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chapter four
you did sound pretty adorable.
Wednesday 24th January 2018

At exactly 18.55, Olivia turned the last corner of her walk and came in front of the restaurant that she was meeting Tom at. To her surprise, a taxi pulled up just next to her and the man stepped out of it after a few seconds.

Olivia couldn't help but let her breathe get caught in her throat as she caught sight of her date, looking impossibly more attractive than she remembered. He was not wearing a cap nor his glasses, so Olivia was able to admire his full face. Now, she could see his baby blue eyes more clearly and felt lost in them as he, too, looked at her with an awe-struck smile. Upon a quick glance, Olivia noticed that Tom wore a smart black suit and a matching grey tie that made the woman feel weak at the knees.

But Tom was feeling just as Olivia as he caught sight of her. Her red dress dropped to her knees, making him wonder how she was coping in the chilling air, and the top half clung to every curve of her body. Her hair was flowing over her shoulders, which was a contrast to what Tom had seen before.

"Hi," Tom said as he walked up to her. His face held the smallest of smiles and his eyes were glued to hers as he was weary about visibly checking her out.

"Hey," Olivia replied, but her smile was shy and Tom noticed.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." He mumbled as he stepped close to the breath-taking woman. Olivia blushed, and was thankful that the dim lights from the restaurant windows couldn't reflect the red.

"Thank you, Tom. You don't look too bad yourself." She replied which caused Tom to give a small chuckle.

"Shall we?" Tom gestured to the restaurant with an outstretched arm that either guided her to the door or opened up his heart for her. Olivia smiled and walked past him steadily, into the restaurant. Her cheeks turned a deeper shade of red as she felt Tom place his hand on her back delicately and ignite a warmth throughout her whole body. "Table for two in the name of Hiddleston."

Olivia couldn't help but catch Tom wearily eyeing her as he let his surname slip into her ears. She let her eyebrows raise slightly and turned to him as the waiter took them to their table. "Hiddleston, huh?" She teased, but she noticed that Tom had suddenly become uncomfortable with the mention of his name. Olivia couldn't understand why, it wasn't as if she recognised the surname. Or did she?

They reached the table which, thankfully, was hidden in the back corner of the restaurant. Olivia glanced around quickly as she only really took in the restaurant. She was glad that she was wearing what she was, as the people sat amongst her looked incredibly well dressed. Tom pulled out her chair for her but she was hesitant to take it as she would no longer be able to have Tom's hand on her back. "Thank you,"

"Would you like to start with some drinks?" The waiter had placed their menu's in front of the two and stood straight with his hands clasped behind his back patiently.

"Uh, please," Tom said as he looked at Olivia. "Do you drink wine?" She nodded quickly at Tom with a small hum in response. "White?"

"Yes, please," Olivia responded with a grateful smile. Tom smiled back and turned towards the waiter.

"We'll have a bottle of the best white you have, please."

"Certainly sir." The waiter left promptly and Tom gave Olivia his full attention as they were left alone.

"So," Tom started as he looked into Olivia's eyes over the flickering candle separating the two of them. "Tell me about yourself."

"There's not much to tell," Olivia laughed as she fingered her napkin absentmindedly.

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