twenty one

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chapter twenty one
have I got the wrong apartment?
Saturday 10th March 2018

Tom walked out of Olivia's ensuite, towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets ran down his skin, they glistened against the light in Olivia's bedroom, and created small shadows against his abs.

The mother still wasn't used to the sight of a bare-chested (almost god-like) man walk towards her in her bedroom. She didn't complain, however, as he started to rummage through his new draw and his towel slipped down his waist slowly. She watched with a smile, and stood up to walk towards him. Olivia pressed herself against his wet back, and looped her hands around his waist to readjust his towel.

She kissed his shoulder softly, then pressed her cheek against it to hug him. Tom began to blush, it was a rare feature on Tom's face, but this made him feel all sorts of jumbled emotions. He spun around in his girlfriends arms, and didn't hesitate to place his hands on her cheeks and leans down to kiss her. Not slowly, but passionately.

When he pulled away, Olivia breathed out softly. "What was that for?"

"We haven't had a moment to ourselves since you told me you loved me." He mumbled softly. Tom began to run his thumb along her plump lip, and he let his eyes wander there too. He yearned to have Olivia, all of her. He was greedy and selfish, he had the girlfriend, the children, the dog, the career, the money, the friends, but he lacked sexual needs. He wanted to toss everything aside and throw Olivia onto the bed so he could show her what she'd been missing all these years.

But when he looked back up to her eyes, her caring and kind hazel iris', the feeling went away. He no longer throbbed or yearned from lust, but from adoration. "I'm sorry," She mumbled. "The kids are a lot of work, I'm sure this isn't quite how you wanted this relationship to go."

Tom laughed, he thought she was joking. "This is more amazing than I could have ever imagined." He kissed her lightly. "I love you, Olivia. And I know this is all going really fast, so if you ever want me to back off, just let me know."

"I love you, too." She smiled. Olivia placed a kiss on his cheek after looping her arms around his neck. "And thank you." He leaned down with a smile and rubbed his nose lightly again her own. Olivia nearly melted, he was absolutely adorable.

"Right, I suppose I should get some clothes on. Would hate for your friend to turn up with me like this." As Olivia walked away from him, she looked him up and down seductively.

"As attractive as you are, I don't want any other woman looking at you looking like that." She winked as she stripped off her top and began looking through her wardrobe to replace it with. She ended up finding a soft, white jumper, and slipped it over her head.

"What's her name again, darling?" Tom asked as he slipped on some boxers, followed by a pair of jeans.

"Scarlett." Olivia smiled. "She's honestly lovely, and I know you'll both get on well." Tom nodded his head then began to use his towel to dry his hair. "I better go check the kids are ready, she'll be here in 5 minutes."

Tom quickly slipped on a loose t-shirt and socks, and made it into the kitchen 2 minutes after. Although he and Asher wished they hadn't, as Olivia had began to shout at Lyra for playing with her drink and getting squash all down her shirt.

"Mummy, I'm sorry!" She whined. "I didn't mean to, sometimes I get too excited."

"It's okay, Lyra. Thank you, I understand." Olivia sighed as she wiped the remains off the table. "I'm sorry for shouting at you."

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