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chapter thirteen
has something caught your attention?
Saturday 3rd February 2018

"So you really are becoming a regular?" Harry's eager voice filled Olivia's ears as she stepped through the door of the ice cream parlour. Tingles traveled through her body as she looked around and remembered her date here with Tom. It was over a week ago, but felt like a lifetime ago.

"Harry!" Olivia smiled as he children hopped on their feet with excitement. "How lovely to see you again."

"I see you've brought more loyal customers?" The joyous man queried as he looks over the counter at the kids craving for a sugar rush.

"Of course. Harry, these are my children, Lyra and Asher. Guys, this is my friend, Harry." Olivia introduced everyone. She leaned down and picked Lyra up, even though she was much too old for that, now.

"Harry, you have the most awesome shop ever! If this was mine, I'd eat all the ice cream before all the customers come in." Asher admitted as he pressed his grubby hands on the glass and peered at all the different coloured ice creams.

"Well, young man, I tried to do that once before. I'm afraid it cannot be done!" Harry laughed and Asher shook his head definitely.

"Then clearly you don't have a love for ice-cream like me." He giggled cutely and jumped a few times again.

"Why don't you go pick a table and I'll send someone over to take your orders." Harry suggested and the family obliged, walking over to a booth similar to the one Tom and Olivia had sat in the week before.

"Sarah is here!" Lyra squealed only moments after she's taken a seat opposite Asher on the inside of the booth. She jumped up and out of the booth but was too fast for the mum to catch her.

"Lyra!" She scolded as her back was to the door. She hadn't seen if it was really Sarah or a stranger. When she spun round to face her daughter, Olivia's agent was walking up to her with Lyra in her arms. "Good grief, Lyra. What have I told you about running around public places."

"Sorry mummy! I was just so excited to see Auntie Sarah." Lyra pouted. The mother rolled her eyes. She could not scold Lyra for something so silly as the little girl knew who she was running to.

"Sorry to have caused a fuss, Liv." Sarah laughed as she took a seat next to Lyra in the booth. Both the adults acted as a 'shield' so the children could not escape again.

"Don't be silly. How're you lovely?" Olivia beamed at the woman before she passed the two children the ice cream menu. "Three scoops of anything, guys. Only if you promise to eat it all."

"Absolutely amazing! Do you want to know who I managed to get to buy your script?" Sarah beamed at her client and best friend. Olivia's jaw dropped as she knew just what that excitement meant.

"You didn't..." Olivia mumbled.

"Yes I did! And I managed to sell it for-" Sarah began but is quickly cut off by Olivia.

"Shhh!! Not around the kids, Sarah!" The mum flustered as she hated her children learning the specifics of their family wealth.

"Well, it's the big big bucks." Sarah hinted and winked at her. Olivia tried to contain excitement as the women have code names for a certain amount of money. The big big bucks had never been spoken about before.

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