"It's the most awesome super-duper holy macaroni plan!" Asuka beamed happily.

"I swear, you somehow planned this", Freed huffed crossing his arms looking at his old friend. "You just really want to go in to the labyrinth."

"I wanna go to the labyrinth with Asuka! We make a great team together!" Bickslow cackled. "Right, Asuka?"

"Right!" Asuka smiled nodding.

"Well... I cant's say no to Asuka", Freed said shaking his head. "So fine, you can go in, Bicks. But make sure Asuka will be okay and let her answer the questions, they are made for kids after all."

"I know, I know", Bicks grinned. "Let's go, Asuka! This is going to be super fun!"

"Charge!" Asuka cheered and they disappeared through the entrance.

Freed smiled and he sat on the ground, leaning his back against the tree. At least they managed to cheer up Asuka. Though, he was still pretty sure Bickslow had planned this whole thing with Asuka all along somehow, since he knew that girl didn't get that easily scared.

He just sat there and waited, closing his eyes just for a second and then he was already sleeping.

When Freed opened his eyes he knew this was a dream. He was still outside, leaning against the tree in front of the labyrinth. But everything around him was lacking colours. Shadows were deeper than normally and the landscape was moving oddly.

"Good evening, Valdeghar", Freed yawned.

"Freed", he could hear the deep, husky voice from the shadows.

"What is it? You don't usually appear like this, I might wake up at any minute", Freed said looking calmly at the shadows below the trees and he could see two dim eyes looking at him.

"We want to warn you", Valdeghar whispered. "Huge changes are coming. Stay near your mate."

"Stay near Laxus? What kind of changes are we talking about?"

"That we cannot answer. We can't tell what you need to find out yourself. But beware the Lord."

"The Lord?"

"He will soon make his move, Freed. He has heard about the changes... And he wants to take benefit of them."

"How on earth can he know about the changes if I don't know?"

"Lord has his own ways."

"I see... Thank you for the warning, even though you can't actually tell me what's happening", Freed nodded.

"We know what's happening", Valdeghar said and the eyes in the shadows narrowed slightly like snickering. "Don't be scared, Freed. Stay near your mate and everything will be alright."

"Alright, I understand. Thank you, Valdeghar."

"Good. So... Your mate likes our name?" the demon in the shadows asked and now he sounded flattered.

"Yes. He thinks it is really cool."

"Nice. Then we might keep it a little longer."

"Go back to sleep, Valdeghar", Freed chuckled. "I think Bickslow and Asuka will return soon."

"We also like our name", he heard a distant whisper before his eyes shut again. "It is a nice name."

"It is..." Freed mumbled before he felt like falling back to sleep, even though he was sleeping all along.

Freed woke up when Bickslow shook his shoulder.

"Wakey wakey", the blue haired mage said.

"You're going to catch a cold if you sleep out without a tent, Freed", Asuka scolded.

Waiting For My MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin