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T H E W O M A N I S E R ' S




A N A R M H U N G above my eyes, shielding them from the blinding morning light. I rolled onto my side, a gruff grunt pouring from my lips as I peaked through my eyes, groaning as a familiar mop of blonde hair came into my blurry view.

Silk sheets covered my bare body, as did it cover hers. Stepping onto the ground, I hissed at the bitter cold that spread through my foot. I briskly made my way across the room, picking up my boxers and tugging them on, then my trousers, then my shirt, my suit jacket, socks and finally my shoes.

Raising a brow as the blonde stirred, I swore under my breath and made a quick move to leave, then, to my dismay, she sat up in an instant and pressed the silk sheet to her chest. "For f*cks sake." I swore.

"Colton?" Her hoarse voice called out to me. I froze in my determined step to escape and then stared at the woman from over my shoulder. Her confused expression morphed into a look of desire as she stared at me with lust filled eyes. "I've got a meeting. I'm running late." I told her, eager to leave.

Brushing my brown hair back, attempting to fix the mess, my dark eyes met her blue orbs. "Can't you keep them waiting for a little while?" She whispered seductively and I felt my chest rumble.

Bitting out a laugh, I rose a brow. "Sydney-look..." Allowing the sheet to slide from her grasps, Sydney sauntered towards me, bare and needy. Her desire filled the air, causing me to tilt my head to the side in amusement. Sighing, I slid my jacket off of my broad shoulders and allowed her the opportunity to rid my body of the rest of my clothing. Smirking, I pushed her onto her back.


Fixing my tie so that it was straight and secure, I rushed up the marble steps. The doorman allowed me in with a brief nod and I shone the receptionist a nod. I glanced at my watch with a brief look and leisurely entered the elevator, my finely polished shoes shining.

Leaning back against the steel wall, I pressed the silver button and waited for the lift doors to close. Resting my arms on either side of me on the small railing, I closed my eyes and tipped my head back.

It was then that a figure barrelled into the small area of the lift, a brief case hanging from her grasps as she sighed in relief after entering just before the lift doors could close.

Curious at the newly arriving presence, I fully opened my eyes and peered down at the rather small woman. Obsidian curls hung down her back, brushing against the waistband of her cream pencil skirt. I took a moment to appreciate her assets, raising a brow at the prominent curve.

Smirking, I shuffled to stand by her side, before I could tactically allow the woeful words to flow from my lips, the lift doors opened and she left in an instant. Noticing that this was the exact floor I was due to enter, I briskly allowed my long legs to carry me out of the small area and enter the bare hall.

The woman turned a corner at the end and I found myself following. As I lunged down the hall, I noticed she had entered the room in which the meeting was being conducted in. With a victorious smirk, I briskly moved towards the glass door and pulled it open and then entered.

Dominated by men, the room was filled with loud chatter and husky laughter. My eyes swept across the area like a hawk, searching for my prey and then, with a smirk, I noticed her near the end of the table. Unfortunately, I was to be sat at the other end, next to my father who's gaze I could feel burning into the side of my head.

I smirked as I moved to sit by his right side, tipping my head as I leaned back into the leather seat. "You're wearing the same suit as yesterday." He stated with a blank tone that was laced with sheer un-amusement. His blazing eyes met with my own as he waited for an excuse, I merely shrugged. He knew exactly why.

I was a womaniser, there wasn't any other way to put it any more delicately than that. Pushing the thoughts aside, I blocked my father's scolding words from my mind and rolled my eyes. He was just the same before he met my mother, the difference was that I would never change my ways. Collectively, though, I loved women.

Again, I looked down the line of old men, my eyes meeting with the figure of the petite woman. She was sorting through papers, pulling out a file and placed it before her. Unnerved by the presence of only men, she showed no signs of fear or nervousness.

I couldn't quite see her face, but with a body like that, I didn't think I cared to notice what she looked like. My father nudged me, earning him an agitated glance from myself. "Don't you dare." He warned me as he followed my curious gaze to the woman.

Raising a dark brow, I asked. "Why not? You never seem to voice your opinions about any of the other woman I have chosen to acquaint myself with." A handsome smirk etched across my lips as I watched my father's features morph into a look of boredom mixed with disgust.

"Unlike the other woman you-..." Choosing not to finish his sentence. He sighed. "-...she'll be working in a position similar to your own. I've fought long and hard to have her join our team and I will not have you mess this up!" Scoffing in amusement, I faked a hurt look. "Me? Mess this up?" My father merely grunted sour words under his breath.

The boardroom fell silent as the lights dimmed and a screen lowered from the ceiling. A chair was pushed back and all eyes followed the small figure that stood at the end of the room, confidence oozing from her presence.

My ears perked up and as my eyes took the gorgeous woman in fully, her facial featured included, I found myself staring into her striking grey eyes, sudden curiosity brewing within as I deemed them as eerily familiar.

Squinting my eyes at the stunning woman, I let it sink in and then, I allowed the utter shock to fade away into nothingness as a devious smirk spread across my lips. I knew exactly who she was.


Hello! I'm so glad to finally be able to start this book, you have no idea! I have the perfect plot in mind and I can't wait to write it all up.

I've received confused questions about why I would hint to Sydney and Colton being a thing in the previous book, when in this book his love interest is someone completely different...well as you'll have seen in this very chapter, Sydney and Colton are together, just not in a romantic way. Plot twissssttttt!

A reminder; each chapter will alternate between points of views. The next chapter will be the spitfire's point of view! I'm so excited to be writing in a male and female perspective at the same time!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed, let me know your thoughts!


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