Memories and regretful endings

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Elle sat in the waiting room while Noah was in surgery. She was shell shocked. Mrs. Flynn had gotten her an extra change of clothing so Elle could be completely covered. Elle's sobs had stopped hours ago she was out of tears. A nurse called Mrs. Flynn a few times to tell her Noah was still alive. Elle clung to Lee's arm to keep herself from breaking down again.

"Elle?" A doctor in sunglasses asked.

"Yes." He nodded to two nurses beside him.

"Come with me one second we need to take a look at your injuries and make sure that what happened didn't damage anything permanently." Elle nodded and followed them to a hospital room. The doctor with the drawl closed the door behind him and took off his coat.

"Elle let's cut the shit shall we? I'm Richard, Noah's old boss. And I have a proposition for you." Elle froze. This was the man who'd sent Jason.

"Let me go, I'll scream!" Elle picked up the clip board preparing to hit anyone who came near her over the head with it.

"Young lady will you calm down a minute."

"You killed my family MY LITTLE BROTHER! So no, I won't!" Richard removed his sunglasses and rolled his eyes.

"Elle, Jason killed your family, he wasn't supposed to hurt anyone. We had you only as a threat to Noah. I guess that's what I get for trusting a lose cannon." He said.

"Why are you here? Just leave us alone!" Elle backed up even more.

"Because, if you come with us, we can save Noah's life."

End of book one...

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