Chapter 14: Life as Usual

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I slammed my hand over the noisy alarm clock, yawned awake feeling my wolf howling for a long run. I sat up looking across the bed, empty. I rubbed my stomach feeling starving, the door knocks, Frank comes in, "Hurry the heck up lazy, my wolf needs freedom!"
I laughed climbing out of bed not bothering to tidy up. Frank, Jake, Marcus and a few of the other wolves all shifted into our wolves and took off running. It felt great running wildly, feeling the wind brush through my fur. Frank runs with me mind links me, "Heard from the Beta, there's a new family coming into town."
"When?" I mind linked back.

"Today, sometime, maybe," he lightly howls.
I shook my head and speed off, he follows, "So maybe they have a daughter."
"I don't know man, I keep having that dream," I sighed.

Frank purrs his wolf, sighing, "Maybe it's time to forget that dream. We're the brothers of the Alpha and Beta, those titles are going to get pass to us one day. Forget about the girl in the dream, she isn't real Ryder."
I know this already, he tells me all the time and yet, I can't help but think of the girl in my dreams.

"Where's Braden?" I asked. I had showered, dressed in my uniform and finished eating breakfast with the other young wolves. I notice Braden hasn't been around for days. His mom turns smiling, actually she's grinning, "Your father and I just found out we're having grand-pups."

I gasp, "What? Daisy is pregnant?"
My mom smiles delightful, "Yes! So Braden won't be back for a while."
"I don't get why she just won't move in, she's supposed to be our Luna," I say.

"It's complicated," his mom would always say and turns back washing up the dishes.

I grabbed my bag, headed towards school. As I walked down the street I notice the house over the road, the one that had always been abandoned since my pup days. My father used to tell us frighten stories to get us to be good even if it scared us, it didn't work, we were always naughty. Anyway, I notice a few men walking in and out with boxes and furniture. I stayed staring until a girl jumps out of the lorry and I felt my body shiver knowing her from somewhere but can't place my finger on it.

Her dark hair dances with the wind, the light scent of vanilla lingers within and again, I shiver.
As if noticing, she glances up, deep ocean eyes with sparks of grey and green shines curiously at me. I smiled, waved. She waves back. I walked over the road.
"Hey, you just move here?"
"Yeah," she smiles. "I'm Audrey Gray. We just moved here from down South."
I smiled, introducing myself. I think this girl is from my dreams, the missing piece of my life. I felt my wolf lightly growling towards her, he must be excited.
I laughed shaking my head.
"What?" She asks tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Her eyes casts towards the house then back at me.
I shook my head and about to ask when a voice called her name, "Audrey, over here now."
She lightly laughs, "I should get back. Don't want my dad coming over."
I nod, "I might see you at school then."
"You might," she smiles turns and wanders into the house. I run back over the road towards school feeling excited that I know she's the girl for me. I can feel it in my heart.
"Oi," he heard someone say. I turn to see a lad jogging over to me. He looks like Audrey a bit, with the dark hair and ocean eyes. He shoves his hands in his pockets, he's a few inches taller, board shoulders, a scar across his neck that looks like it could have been deeper when it happened.
He looks at me up and down before speaking, "Man to man, I suggest if you want to get to know my sister, you stop your wolf from wanting to shift."

I blinked, narrowing my eyes, "I don't, I hmm." I couldn't seem to speak, is he a wolf? I wasn't sure.

He doesn't say, instead speaks, "Or you're dead meat."
I growls as he grabs my shirt collar, "We don't need anymore crap with you wolves messing into our lives. So I'm giving you a chance, don't fuck it up."
He pushes me roughly back and turns away towards the house, he turns to me gives me one last look over. I growl and briskly walk to school.

He whistles, "Sounds like he's only being a big protective brother."

I hummed, "Maybe, but how did he know I'm a wolf."
Marcus looks over at the girls, he doesn't take his eyes away from the cat creature, I looked over, noticing a lot of the guys always had their eyes on her. I think her name's Jennifer. Marcus turns back to me.
"Did you say something?"
"Just that I don't get how he knew I'm a wolf. I couldn't even sense any creature_"
Marcus turns his eyes towards her again, not listening to me. His dark eyes stares coldly at her as she laughs with her friends.
"She thinks she's better than everyone else," Marcus growls low.

It was only yesterday when they had yet another argument. I don't really want to get involved, cats usually like to fight more than any other creature I know.
I sighed, Marcus wasn't going to listen to me, so when the bell goes for first lesson, I left without him noticing. As I came into the corridor, she was there, lost within her eyes as they scan around with a sheet in her hands.
I instantly smiled forgetting about her brother. I strolled over, "Hey again."
She looks up, "Oh, hello."

Cancer Love (Editing, writing how it used to be)Where stories live. Discover now