Chapter 13: The Dark Witch

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Ryder plays with his pasta, moving his fork around the dish, making it seem as though he has eaten but really, his mind is on his friends and all the secrets that are erupting on the surface. I feel awful for him, wishing I could turn back the clock when I didn't bump into him in the corridor. I feel as though I could fall in love with him but it truly frightens me as what if the only way to take away the cancer is to turn to the dark witch.

I should laugh, witches, it's all from tales but if wolves like Ryder exists then who am I to abandon hope. I sighed, hope. That's all I always count on and I don't want Ryder getting his hopes up too much. 

"Ryder," I softly spoke.
He looks down, half smiling, half frowning. "Sorry babe, I can't stop thinking about what you've must have been going through. I'm so sorry what my so called friends put you through."
I stroke his rough jaw, he was in need of a shave, he felt prickle under my fingertips, a man he was beginning to be, but a sad man.
"Please, Ryder, I want to do anything to get rid of this disease but not to kill my own flesh and blood," I said.

He takes my hand in his large warm one, his thumb stroking along my knuckles, "I can't lose you, Anna." He always says my name with husk, always sending a shiver through me.
"Let's go home," I say and he nods, he drops enough money on the table, grabs our bags and coats, and heads out of the pasta place. Once in the truck, he sighs back rubbing his forehead. He looks stressed, his body tense and he lets out a long sigh.
"I sometimes wish Braden was still the Alpha, I know he'd know what to do," he says.

"You're a great leader," I say placing my hand on his wrist.

He looks at me for a few seconds then roars the engine, pulls out of the parking lot and drives to the pack house where I've spend the last few days, away from my lying family.

Once at the pack, his father calls him into the kitchen. Ryder entwine our hands as we stroll into the kitchen. I notice a beautiful woman sitting at the breakfast counter. She wore a long black velvet grown, her rich, golden locks of hair flow down her back, her golden eyes shines brightly as she wanders them between me at first then Ryder longer. I didn't like that she was looking at Ryder. She lightly laughs, "Hello, Alpha. I heard you've been tracking me down."
Ryder blinks, "You are?"
"I'm Fleur, known as the dark witch," she smiles.

At first, I blinked unsure if she really was the witch she says but my gut tells me she speaks the truth. She slips from the stool, she's tall, almost as tall as Ryder, and slender. I wonder how old she is but Ryder had once told me that witches live long and youthful.
"You must be Anna Birdy," she smiles and softly touches my cheek. She felt so cold against my skin. Again, that smiles gives me a sudden sense of fear and I instantly hid behind Ryder. He growls seeing me upset.

"I'm sorry, you are truly innocent," she smiles. She stands straighter, "I'm guessing you want all this cancer to disappear."
Ryder nods, "What's the deal?"
I decide to speak, "I don't want anyone getting hurt. Too much pain has gone too far enough."
She giggles, "You truly are good."
And she's truly giving me the creeps. She's nothing I would imagine, nothing I had expected a true dark witch to be like.

She dances her fingers together thinking of some evil deal to make with us. "Let me finish this delightful herbal your father had kindly made me, and I'll tell you the deal."

I watched her take her precious time sipping the herbal tea of what smelt like strawberry and cucumber. It makes me thirsty watching her lick those pale blue lips of hers but I stayed next to the impatience wolf standing next to me. Jim hasn't once left the kitchen, I notice he kept on looking at her as if he was under some spell. And after she had finished, she clicks her fingers causing Jim to move, grabbing the empty mug.
"Now Jimmy, if you don't mind giving me some alone time with the two love birds," she smiles and he instantly closes the door behind.

Ryder growls, "What did you do to my father?"
"Oh nothing, he'll be back to his old self as soon as I'm gone," she smiles.

Ryder growls then sighs, "What's the deal?"
She squeaks, "You are so sexy when you use that wolf."
I frown, I didn't like those words she used against Ryder, as he is mine. I gasp at the thoughts appearing in my mind, I looked up at Ryder, he was watching the witch carefully.
"What's the deal," Ryder demanded.

"For three whole months, I want your little mate all for myself," she smiles, only this time, it wasn't kind, it was wicked and dark that I hope Ryder would abandon the idea of ever letting me go. However, those words did not escape him.

"Three months, then she's mine free from cancer?"
Fleur nods, "I always make good on my deals. So do we have a deal Alpha of the Night wolf clan?"
I spoke, "Please, don't Ryder, I don't feel comfortable at all about any of this."

However, he doesn't seem to have heard a single word I had just said. I felt tears forming in my eyes as I witness his hand shaking with her hand, her long fingers wrapping around, as they shook and the more I tried to get Ryder's attention, the more I was only fooling myself as she had done something to me and now, I'm hers for three months.

Cancer Love (Editing, writing how it used to be)Where stories live. Discover now