Chapter 12: Cancer Love

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"Ryder, please, you're going to rip my arm off!" She whimpers.
I release her wrist, breathing out then looking up at the dark clouds. I didn't want to be anywhere near that bastard. I couldn't believe he was related to my mate, a cruel brother should never have a kind hearted sister. I glanced down at her, she had just confessed this disease to me. I felt my heart shattering when she told me.
At first, I thought it was a sick joke but her eyes did not lie.
"I don't believe him," I said.
She took a deep breath, "But you just told him, you'd kill her."
"I know but my brother, Alec, I've never seen him so nervous, so happy, so glad, that he's going to have a mate of his own," I said yet, I don't want my mate to die. I reached up, stroking my fingertips along her soft jaw. "I don't want to loose you," I felt my voice crack slightly.
"You said, there's witches and wizards, let's find them and ask if there's another way," she smiled.
I nod, half smiling, "I'll set up a meeting for the morning."

We didn't go to school for the rest of the day, father wasn't please but after I had explained, he nods. I had one of the female wolves go to her house to pack her a few clothes, wash supplies and whatever else for school. I won't have my mate living under the same roof as that hunter.
"You know, I can go to the toilet alone," she smirks.
I laughed, "Sorry." I only just realised I've been clutched to her every move, not wanting to release her, I want to be near her all the time, more that before she told me about the cancer.
"I better see how Braden is doing," I smiled.
"It's only been a few hours and already, we've had tips, and tricks from all sorts of witches and even the two best witches are on their way," she smiled.
I smiled. I love seeing her smile. I want her to smile forever.
"Because I'm Alpha, and my wolves, the creatures that had known our family for years, they want to come and help," I said.
She slides into the toilet and I turned heading towards the office downstairs seeing Braden just coming off the phone. He looks up, half smiled, half looking exhausted, "I'm heading back home. My wife is in labour. I've got Damien on the job, he's in the city now, there's a warlock he thinks might be able to help you out."
I smiled hugging my brother the moment he mentioned Claudia was having the babies now. "Go, be with your mate, I can look after things here," I smiled and Braden was gone.

I slide into the black leather chair. My future seems so far away but in Anna's eyes, it must seem like a pinch. I only sat here for a second before I was called into the living room where two tall sisters stood in long dresses, beads, grey fizzy hairs.
I could sense they were good witches. One steps up, bows once before speaking, "I heard about your mate, we're truly sorry."
"A hunter told us that a way to break any disease is to kill a blood related, meaning her twin sister. But is there any other way?" I asked.
She looks sorry for him. She turns to her sister, pulling her forward, she eyes white as snow, unmoved, blinded by the outside world.
The blind witch spoke, "There's a witch,  a dark black witch that messes with those sort of powers. I know, she'd be able to help."
"Sister, no, he can't ask her," the not-blinded woman said as she shook her head.
I didn't care, I wanted to find a way now! "I don't care, tell me who she is," I demanded.
The blind woman spoke, "Lilith. If you do find her, she always expects a price in return." She places a hand over her eyes, a frown appears on her lips.
"She took your sight?" I asked.
"She did, so I could have a child," she answered.
I rubbed my neck, I wonder what the price would be, surely not to go blind so I would never see the face of my future pup. I had a strong feeling, it'd be something crueller. However, I did not care.

I thanked both women and rang Damien asking him if he had any news. He told me that the warlock suggests a black witch named Lilith, the same as what the good witches told him. Damien also mentioned that this warlock had done a deal with her many years before I was even born, his price to save someone he once loved, was to give up his powers and live as a human. That mightn't sound so bad against losing your sight but for a witch, or a wizard or even a warlock, it means they have to learn from scratch without powers, sometimes their clans cast them out. This warlock thought he'd be able to live a normal life with his love one only she didn't want him anymore. He couldn't get back his powers, he lost everything on the day.
"Ry, you could loose everything," Damien said.
I sighed, "I rather take the risk."
"Sounds like you love her already," Damien said.
I laughed, "Early days."
"Well, I'll do what I can on this end about searching for her," the phone call ended and I turned seeing Frank.
"Frank, you've been off, where've you been?" I asked.
He stops, looking up, a smile plastered on his face, "Hey," he then frowns, "what's going on here?"
I explained to Frank the details and he wraps his arms around me, hugging me, not letting me go until I had to cough. "Sorry, wow, that's a lot but you sure you want to go to that witch, she's known to take away anything good in peoples' lives."
I blinked, "I only just heard of her a few minutes ago, how did you know about her?"
He shrugs, "I don't."
He was lying.
"Frank, it's me, you can tell me," I laughed.
He shook his head, "I met her a long time ago, before you even came so it doesn't matter anymore."
"I feel like there's more going on in this pack. Like how my mate hates Alice, how Jake and Maria are always so tense around my mate. You've just lied to me. I'm not a fool, something has happened before I moved here, and I want to know what," I said using my Alpha tone as my voice raises angrily.

"Alice and Frank gave me the cancer!" His mate spoke harshly. "They held me down blowing some sort of dust over me, the next night, I was feeling feverish, screaming in so much pain and the next day, a few days after my fourteenth, I found out I had cancer. Alice, she had cancer then it just magically vanished."
I blinked, I shook my head, "That can't be true."
Frank spoke, "We didn't know she'd be your mate, Ryder, we would have chosen someone else but Alice, she was going to die."
I stepped back, I pulled Anna with me, she looks up at me. I didn't know what to think or say anymore. Then I spoke, "As Alpha of this pack, I'm rejecting your title as Beta from this pack. I never want to see you or Alice again."
"Ryder," Frank frowns. He was close to tears.
I held my ground, "I don't care where you go, just get out now!"

I sat down pulling my mate with me. I held her close not caring if she wanted me to let her go, I will never let go of my mate. Not for anyone and if that means, I'll kill for her, throw people out of the pack, lie, or cheat, then I'll do it. It sounds as if I already love her. Perhaps, I do love her.
I sighed, now I just have to know what's going on between Jake, Maria and my mate. I hope it's nothing as fucked up as what Frank and Alice had done. I truly hope not.

"Ryder," Anna spoke.
I glanced down, smiling. "You don't ever have to worry, I'll always protect you."
"I can tell losing Frank is upsetting you," she said.
It really is, he's my best friend and now, he's nothing to me. I stroke her cheek, "He and Alice did wrong when they messed with my mate." I stood up pulling her along with me. "I'm feeling rather hungry, let's go out for dinner."

Cancer Love (Editing, writing how it used to be)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt