8 | shooting stars

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"Calm down, maniac," Monty said putting his hand out in front of her face, "There's no radio anymore."

Evelynn felt her excitement deflate, "What do you mean, anymore?"

Jasper explained with very exaggerated hand gestures, "There was a radio, but when Clarke and Finn found the girl the radio was gone. It turns out, being the selfish shitbag he is, Bellamy took it and threw it in the creek."

Monty and Jasper watched as Evelynn's face fell. She instantly was up from her bed and out of the tent. "Wait! Lynnie, where are you going?" Jasper called after her as she made her way out of camp.

"The creek! Duh!"

»»————- ★ ————-««

Evelynn approached the wooded area around the creek. As she pushed through branches and walked down the small hill towards the water, she saw Bellamy crouched by the shore.

She walked closer and saw a dozen delinquents all searching the frigid creek for the radio. She slowed down to a halt a few feet behind Bellamy. She spoke, her voice merely a whisper, "What have you done?"

Bellamy instantly whipped around and was on his feet in seconds, his eyes already pleading for forgiveness, "Ev, I'm so—"

"No. You don't get to do that." Evelynn cut him off, her unbelief becoming anger, "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking." Bellamy stated.

She walked a few steps closer to him, "Obviously. Bellamy Blake, do you have any idea what you've done?"

He stayed silent. She could tell he knew and that he felt guilty, but she wasn't ready to forgive and forget so easily this time.

"There are over 300 innocent people up there that are going to die, all because they think the ground isn't survivable." Evelynn's hands began to shake, her emotions flooding her senses, "People I love are still up there. My dad is still up there."

Bellamy's face softened for a split-second but instantly his expression became hard and defensive again, "I didn't know that any of this would happen. You know that. All I knew is that if they came down here, I was dead."

Evelynn spoke harshly, "Bellamy, do you truly think that I—that we would let them kill you?"

Bellamy stepped back as if surprised by her words. She noticed and lowered her voice, but her words were just as piercing, "Your people won't let them kill you."

Evelynn saw Bellamy's demeanor shift, becoming the boy she met in the cave. He spoke to her quietly, "How do I fix this?"

Before she could even think of an answer, Jones held up something over his head, wading in the creek up to his knees, dripping with freezing water, "Hey! I found it!"

One girl that Evelynn didn't recognize ran over and grabbed it and brought it close to shore and all the delinquents gathered around. Evelynn approached the group with Bellamy behind her, his face contorted in guilt.

"Can you fix it?" Clarke asked the girl who was examining the radio. She turned it over and looked at the wires for water damage, "Maybe, but it will take half a day to dry out the components to see what's broken."

𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 ☆ bellamy blake ¹Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ