Chapter THIRTEEN {Makara}

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Chapter Thirteen


Beketamun and I were deep in a serious game of senet when Hapu sauntered through the large, wooden doors to my chamber as if this were his own.

"Good morning, Hapu," I said without looking up, slightly annoyed at the interruption. My Uncle was the best senet player in all of Egypt. If I had any hope at all at beating him, I would need all the practise I could get. I moved my piece three spaces up the board. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"We're going out," he replied, grabbing my arm rather harshly without any further explanation.

Beketamun stood up immediately, alarmed. "No, you are not. You are touching the Princess without even information me - her caretaker at this point of time - what's going on. What are your plans?"

I blushed and rolled my eyes. "Oh, Beketamun, I'm sure Hapu doesn't mean anything by it," I laughed nervously. "Don't you?" 

He bowed dramatically. "Of course not! I wouldn't dream of it. I simply want to spend time with the Princess, as we are now friends -"


"-and I would like to improve our relationship outside Penthu's classes. I can promise that nothing will happen to her. I fear my father's wrath far more than I fear yours."

"And what of our game, Makara?" Beketamun asked. 

"I'm sure we can resume it once I return. I shan't be too long."

My maid pursed her lips in disapproval, but there was nothing that she could do. As the son of the High Priest of Amun, Hapu, even at eleven, clearly outranked her. Not to mention that I outranked both of them.

"Very well. Don't be long. Make sure you visit your mother before Amun has set across the horizon."

I opened my mouth to reply, but Hapu had already taken my arm and yanked it out of my chamber before I had time to say anything.

"Ow," I complained, rubbing my shoulder. "Where are we going?"

His eyes sparkled mischievously. "Surprise."

I huffed, annoyed. "You must tell me, Hapu. Otherwise I will turn around and walk right back to Beketamun."

"Fine. You're no fun. We're going into the city."

"The city?" I stopped abruptly and stared at him. I had never been into the city without Mother or Sete. There was no way that I would be allowed to go out by myself, even if Hapu was with me. What if someone saw me?

"I - I don't think I'm allowed to go into the city by myself, Hapu. Maybe we should stay within the palace grounds."

He rolled his eyes. "Of course you don't want to go. Do you really do everything they tell you to?"

"Of course I do."

"Because you're a prissy princess who can't go anywhere without getting permission."

"I am not!" I retorted, annoyed. 

"Then prove it! Come with me. Nothing will happen, it's just a bit of fun. Unless you agree that you're just a stuck-up princess."

I glanced around the corridor, weighing up my options. I knew I wouldn't be allowed to. Mother would be livid if she found out. But, I didn't want Hapu to be right. I had to prove him wrong. 

"Fine," I sighed, giving in. "I'll go with you. Only if you promise that nobody will find out."

Hapu smiled triumphantly. "I promise, Your Royal Highness," he said, waving his arms about. 

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