You belong to me

458 26 19

Standing by and waiting on your front porch
This whole time just accept it
Baby, you belong to me
You belong to me.

Oh I remember driving to your house in the middle of the night, I'm the one who'll make you laugh
I'm the one who'll make you cry
And I know your favourite store
And that you're not really shy
The goddess knows where you belong
She knows you belong to me...


Am I right?

I think that deserves an applause. It took me two minutes to figure that out.

I want to cover all grounds on werewolves because, one, I want to, two, I want to and three, SKSJSKSJSKS.



Numero uno

Hooman mate.

I don't know why, but wherever I read about human mates, I cringe.

Because one, technically they'd be dating a furry.

Two, they're always frail and weak no matter how feisty they are.

And three, let's face it, they would be no match for wolves. They are physically and mentally weaker than weres because their senses aren't as heightened.

Also, they're kind of like a different species??? You know if you think about it. Half-man half-wolf with a (100%) human.

And I don't think the human would be happy with a possessive person who gets mad every time they talk to the opposite sex.

Numero dos

AbUsEd MaTe


Hoe if I read one more story where the main girl gets abused. I'm gonna smack someone. Not because it's not interesting whatsoever, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. It's the way it's written that irks me. 

A lot of authors tend to over-dramatise the abuse and then they give a dumbass reason for it.

Oh they're abusing me because it's my fault my parents died.
If I had never went out to the front yard to play non of this would've happened.

Are. You. Kidding. Me.

And then they go on and on about how they're locked in a cell for some reason, starved and whipped.

Don't you think that's a little extra for her parents dying?


Where is it????

Because I can't find it anywhere.


Numero tres


Ladies and gentlemen (if there are any) I present to you the most popular werewolf trope on Watt-a-pad.

It goes like this:

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