I'm not like other girls. Hee hee

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The monstrosities I see on this app are blehhhhh.

And yet I still read some of them. Why? Because I love the comic relief character who most likely end up dying or lonely.


Today's topic is...
Drumroll please...

"I'm not like the other girls."

Shut up yes you are.

There are thousands of girls who are smart, who like to wear baggy sweatpants and shirts and who don't like makeup.

This subject is something often see in wattpad. And it's apparently something authors tend to ignore while writing their books.

If you want your character to be different from the people at your school. Give her (bc it's most likely a girl) something that the others don't have. Like, you have so many possibilities and you choose someone who despises people who wear tight clothing and makeup. If you don't know any possibilities, let me give you a list:
-make her deaf
-make her blind
-Tourette's syndrome
-dyslexia (bc you have the perfect opportunity I make her say: "I put the sexy in dyslexia. Wait shit.."
-speech impediment
-is secretly an agent
-Heterochromia (two different coloured eyes)
-compulsive liar
-alcohol tolerance so high it's scary

Feel free to add more.

I didn't add mute because people also don't know the meaning of that.

But the main girl wearing baggy clothing and no makeup does not make her different. Sure you can make her not wear makeup bc she's "all natural and doesn't need it". Next thing you know she says some bs like this:

I got up in the morning and wore my usual baggy clothes. I never understood how girls at school can wear those tight clothes. It's like they want to get attention. Oh wait.

Let people wear whatever they want. If you judge them about their tight clothes, do you think they're not gonna talk about your sense of style? It's not their fault you don't like the fact that they like to put more effort into their outfit.

Anyways, I made my way to the bathroom and got ready. I tied my straight messy blonde hair in a high ponytail. I don't put a lot of effort into my looks like the other girls at school.

You know. This 'effort' you speak of probably doesn't exist. At my school, girls let their hair down and if it's styled, it's either in a bun or a ponytail. Or their hair is too short to do anything with it. I bet you the only effort put into that was brushing and actually tying the damn thing. Like... I don't brush my hair. It's already a lion's main as it is and I don't want to anger the beast. I sleep in a bun and I go to school in the same bun and literally no one notices because they think it's just my hair.

After my hair I did my makeup. Which wasn't a lot. I put some concealer to hide my dark circles and some foundation to make my skin look smooth. I then swiped a few strokes of mascara on my lashes and looked at myself.


I never understood how the girls at school caked their faces with makeup. It made them look desperate and that was not at all appealing.

If people want to wear makeup. Let them wear makeup. I don't know how they have the time to actually do their makeup but hey I don't judge. Maybe they made the horrible mistake in their early teens and popped their pimples and now they have pimple scars. And maybe they want to hide that.

Don't be that bitch that insults people because of they step out of the house feeling confident. I don't know about what. Maybe about their makeup skills, maybe they feel like today is the day their crush asks them out, and again the pimples.

Oh and this type of "I'm not like other girls"

"You know, you're the only girl at this school who hasn't fallen for me yet," he stared at me, leaning against my locker.

He will most likely be hot. So either you have very bad taste or you lean more towards girls.

"That's because I'm not like like other girls," I rolled my eyes and pushed him off the locker.

Hahahahaha. Fight me bitch.

Things about Wattpad books I hate. Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum