I will never date again. Wait nvm.

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You know that type of book.

I know that type of  book.

We all know that type of book.

That book where the main girl has been through the worst relationship ever. Like the guy treated her so badly it made her think all men are shit. And that she'll never date ever again.

No. She cannot fall for this one specific boy because he reminds her of her past, he's nice and he's never hurt her.

You know why?

Because she told herself she'll never ever date again.

Next thing you know in chapter 15 they're already dating.


Excuse you?

You know feel like in this case at least can make the girl end up being best friends with the boy so that she could stick to the whole never dating boys ever again.

Or you could make her a lesbian. Or a bisexual. Or a pansexual. Or she could end up with fifty cats and the boy went to live his life happily with his significant other and calling her every week to make sure she's ok.

Like honestly.

That's probs one of the most dominant plots in teen fiction and to be honest, it's not even that good of a plot.

Don't @ me for this.

This is literally me complaining and if I'm really passionate about the thing I'm hating on, it will be long.

Things about Wattpad books I hate. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz