Chapter 24: Celebrating Christmas Early

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The Christmas tree is beautiful. It scrapes artex from the ceiling as Derek wobbles on a ladder to hang the angel. I wish my mom and dad could see the kids faces as they size up there Christmas tree.

The kids are hoping from foot to foot awaiting the go ahead to hang the decorations. Packets of tinsel lie unopened on the floor, not just the snake kind, but the stuff that's loose strips, too. I plug in the lights and we almost explode, our fingers itching to get going.

The Christmas ornaments are all boxed up in boxes that my mother boxed them in before she passed away last year. The kids were excited to see all of the different types of ornaments and to put them on the tree. But for me I was excited to be around the people that I love decorating the tree before they are deployed to the Middle East.

The very last ornament that was put on the tree was the angel that my mother made when she just married my dad.

The christmas ornament wasn't nearly as fancy as the ones in the other boxes. It wasn't at all modern and truth be told, the face had smudges of dirt.

It was an angel fashioned from beige cloth and denim, the wings on the back has once been shiny but had become dulled with age. I knew I should throw it out, go to the store and get something that sparkled.

But dirt was not the only thing this little angel had accumulated, it was soaked in memories, drenched in happy times, a bridge back to the years gone by.

Each stitch had been sewn by my mother before her hands had become crippled with arthritis.

Not long after the last ornament was put on the tree it was time for the kids to go to bed.

Once finished, the family sits around the glow of the warm fire and watches the white snow fall from the sky. Marcie, Layne and Dixie imagine opening their Christmas presents and what gifts they might receive.

Tanner sees them off to bed, as it is very late. The children nestle down in their warm bed for the slumber that awaits them.

Tanner brings them a glass of milk, and tells them a bedtime story of a brave hero saving a beautiful princess.

They all gave their Uncle Tanner a goodnight hug.

"We love you Uncle Tanner." They all said in unison.

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