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I WOKE UP groggily and my head was pounding like crazy. I groaned and clamped my hands over my ears because there was a horrible violent ringing echoing through them.

I flickered my eyes opened and saw three random people standing there and talking. One was a tall ginger haired girl with extremely curly hair who was talking to two other dudes, one with black hair, his back to me, but still obviously very fit. Then, there was another ginger, but a boy, with an excessive amount of freckles sprinkled all over his face.

I could only hear snip-bits of them talking through the throbbing pain in my head, 'where'd you find her?' 'on that creepy road with a bite on her neck.' 'was she sucked from or just bitten?' 'whoever bit her seems to have only drawn a few drops of blood, so I'm guessing she was bitten.'

Who are they talking about? I questioned, slowly pushing myself up against a cold stone wall which made me shiver at the touch. I continued to massage the bridge of my nose as I struggled to completely sit up.

Suddenly, I felt a jab of pain from where that thing attacked me last night and I grabbed my neck, "Aggh!" I yelled in agony, catching all the random people's attention.

They all turned their heads swiftly to look at me with wide eyes, "She woke up..." The male red-head whispers to the female.

"Yeah, no shit." She snaps and rolls her eyes, nearing me.

I scramble sideways and away from her with whatever strength I have. She walks closer to me and I, with great struggle, stand up. Wobbling and tripping a couple of times as I do so.

I clear my scratchy throat, "W-who are you?" I strain hoarsely and back up against the wall again, afraid this extremely tall lady that obviously isn't my age (much older), will hurt me.

"The girl who saved your ass from off of Ivory Road." She laughs sarcastically as if any of this is funny at all.

I was extremely confused. I couldn't seem to remember everything that happened last night, all I remember is his face, the teeth, the blood, those eyes. I shudder at the image remembrance.

I ignore what she said completely and rub my eyes which are blurry, to try and get a better look at the place around me, "Where am I? And why am I so freaking... hungry?" I groan, licking my dry lips.

"Somewhere safe. Also, intense hunger is just a side effect from the transition." She explains with a smug grin, finding amusement in my delusional, 'tripping-over-myself', confused state.

The word 'transition' catches my attention for some reason, "T-Transition? What transition?" I ask, some of my senses and awareness now coming back to me.

"Your transition into a vampire, sweetie." She replies and smirks and rubbing my bare shoulder, her hands freezing cold to the touch, making me shiver for the one hundredth time.

My eyes widened, vampire? those don't exists! It's October, close to Halloween, this all must be some fucked-up prank. It has to be! I try desperately to convince myself.

"I know what you're thinking. That's what I was thinking when I first turned about four-hundred years ago." The girl explains and my eyes widen to saucers at the thought of the possibility of four-hundred years ago. This can't be real. This is some sick joke. It's not real. It's not. Vampires don't exist! I scream at my conscious, trying to convince myself that none of this is real, it all seemingly happening so fast.

I'm too scared, to confused to have this set on my plate too... but it would explain the teeth-bites, the neck pain, the sharp teeth— stop! Vampires. Don't. Exist. Period. I think sternly to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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